Awe {{{{Dave}}}} fluffy hugs for you!
It seems it is us who must thank you for all you done without even know it you've really helped so many recover from this damn cult with your befuddled, sarcastic ways you've made us laugh, cry and cuss a bit too, oh surly not moi.
You've been missed around here these past several months and I suppose you'll be missed even more in the months coming. I'm sure your posts and threads will be among those great ones bttt often and probably by some newbie who has no idea about you. I do. I know you and it's been great to have met you. Like many have said you were one of the first posters I took note of and one of the first ones to welcome me in chat as well. Those first days here we all remember so well, but the posters who really reached out and touched us will never be forgotten.
I owe you some more beef stew.......I'll come over and make sure you can choke it down, hey we'll break bread together and maybe polish off a few bottles of good wine or scotch your pick. I'm just going into my semi retirement phase and have nothing but time on my hands, yer next!
Take care my sweet friend, I'll see to it.
Love and hugs the fluffy ones so as not to hurt you.