Enterprise- new Star Trek series

by GoingNuts 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • GoingNuts

    Anybody want to chat about this sub or about any other startrek stuff, am a big TNG,Voyager fan. Sorry DS9 does nothing for me but will still chat about it. Seen the movie Trekkies? I'm not that fanatical, but close......

  • logical

    Enterprise is starting soon on Sky One, shame I dont have that channel

    I like Voyager the best, TNG is ok, but I dont like DS9 much either. Original is good too. I used to hate it, it grew on me.

  • conflicted

    I liked them all in varying degrees. In order:

    Next Generation

    I really like what they are doing with the new show. It's really hard for them to go back and make sure the technology doesn't surpass anything from the original, but they are doing it and still making a good show in my opinion.

  • Simon

    I loved Voyager, and not just for 7 of 9 (hmmn... "she's so dreamy" ) The doc was a fantastic invention and the new species that kicked the borg's ass was great.

    It's always hard getting into a new series 'casue it's usually quite different to the ones before. Looking forward to it.

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    Huge Star Trek fan here! Voyager was my favorite. The original series was good, but after seeing each episode at least 20 times, it's time to move on. You know you've watched it too much when you can recite the next line coming and be 100% right!!

    DS9 was pretty boring to me, although there were a few really excellent episodes. Unfortunately they were few and far between.

    I find Enterprise disappointing. There have been a couple of decent shows, but most have been quite forgetable. If I had my choice of having to watch Enterpise or Stargate SG-1, I'd go for Stargate. Much better stories.



    I am a big time Trekie,Ive seen them all,I like the new one thats out.Seven of nine is a 12 out of 10!!!...OUTLAW

  • bboyneko

    i watched the first 2 episodes then got bored of it fast. Too formulaic and very very unoriginal. So far a disapointing series.

  • Bgurltryal

    whatever...you whine every time you miss it.

  • LB

    So I watched it tonight. This actress is on the show. I am now enjoying the show....

  • Mac

    to boldly go where no man has gone before???

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