When I read some post on this board, they give me the feeling thet the GB are some crooked pure evil demons
I do not believe this, for the following reasons:
First of all I think that the issues that come out are actually few, if you compare it to the number of things printed, done etc.
like the UN thing. Just a stupid mistake probably. A lot to loose, little to win for them. So with most other things.
The worry about exact interpretation of the scriptures, who they believe very firmly, but they have more questions then answers. They are unsecure and try to hide that, because it will not be a neat example if the leaders are not very sure about this stuff too. They are affriad of publishing new light or new information on subjects and are worried about the descrease of the expansion.
basically they aren't very well trained/educated people, the organisation that they lead has grown way to big for them to really handle. They are advised from all angles, with different views about legal and non legal stuff. They will follow accept some of those, without seeing the concequences (like bulgaria blood issue etc).
They have very few personal gain.
that is why I think the best word to descripe them is unprofessional