I surprised my dad with a birthday gift this morning

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Yeah, he was happy, he even sent me an email saying how happy he was.

  • misspeaches

    That's great JH! Did you just get this overwhelming feeling when you saw the look on his face when you gave him the gift?

    P.S. What did ya get him?

  • JH

    My mom told me that he needed a shirt.

    Yeah, it felt good to give him a gift for his birthday. Now he will give me one, cause my birthday is in 20 days...

  • Es

    Ohh thats beautiful he would have loved that.

    Happy Birthday to your dad


  • LittleToe

    Good for you

    I'm sure you made the old man very happy

    Go for it. It'll draw y'all even closer

    I remember my Grandma giving my cousin a birthday present on his 21st - she never did care for convention, and was a strong woman. Unfortunately the family gave her such a hard time that when the year came around and it was my 21st, she didn't bother. I had mixed feelings, but was glad she'd taken that stance for him, her eldest grandson.

    Now I look back on it and think "how twisted is that?", and have to wonder what kind of pretzel I twisted my mind into to accept it, when the reasons were so blatantly weak!

  • codeblue

    I don't think Jah would be unhappy.........just the WTBS............it's "their policy to not celebrate b-days".

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