Mind Control Alert - Watchtower Article - simplifying your life -

by jgnat 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Legolas

    Excellent points Trojan!

  • BluesBrother
    How did meeting attendance become equated to righteousness? How do nurses, food industry professionals, and anyone on shift work maintain a vital spiritual life? Maybe meeting attendance and righteousness are separate things? Surely God did not intend to exclude these professions from his Kingdom.

    In dubland, meeting attendance is certainly a "Barometer of a persons spirituality" I guess they know that if you stop filling your mind with the repetitive dope, you might see clearly..

    I can recall with some shame now, delivering Service Meeting items on that subject and counselling others on "not letting anything get the way of our meeting attendance " . One in particular featured their favourite scripture Heb 10.25 "Not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together". Another elder was on stage with me and we read it from New English Bible where it says "Not staying away from our meetings as some do.........(26) For if we persist in sin after receiving a knowlege of the truth...." We said "so you see clearly, it is a sin to miss the meetings!"

    As for the professionals on shifts? Of course they are not excluded, they just have to take menial jobs instead with 9 to 5 hours. - then use their skills at assemblies and maybe at Bethel, working for peanuts

  • seattleniceguy
    Birds starve to death by the billions despite storing fat and in a few cases storing food. When looked at objectively the beautiful sounding words are mental novacaine.

    LOL @ peacefulpete. Great point. I guess Jesus wasn't a biologist, eh? The natural world always seems so warm and cuddly until you learn anything about it. The vast, vast majority of all animals ever born die before creating offspring.


  • xjwms

    Its all about Control

    ""Good points everyone.""

  • BizzyBee

    Why do you suppose Joe Hober would make us all with such varying intellects and then make truth so complex that it requires shelf after shelf of little brightly colored books to explain it? Add to that that some of the little books stop being the truth and have to be replaced by new ones on a regular basis? That rascal Joe Hober! What a nut!

    Wait a minute! Is this all about publishing little books?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Reading the intitial post I wondered if this sort of 'advice' should attract inquiry by a government body

    For a young man with a family to be commended for quitting his job to distribute literature of fantasy and delusion really should be a legal matter - people in a modern civilised society should have better protection.

  • Think

    Simplify your life: ( Pedofiletower meaning) work 24/ for FREE peddling Pedofiletower liteature(their Bible). If you can "give" just 10 mag in one hour, you will make 240 mag in day, that way you srew up yourself and anybody else much, much FASTER. DO IT !!

  • tmo1965
    Been there, done that. I was out of work and turning down job offers that would have interfered with meeting attendenceā„¢. I was firm in my conviction that "Jehovah would provide". I ended up losing my apartment. The JWs laughed loudly and publicly at my predicament. If it were not for my parents I would have ended up sleeping in underpasses.

    And none of them felt the need to help out their brother / sister in need? Sad. They totally miss the whole point of Jesus' teachings.

  • tmo1965

    Simplify your life: ( Pedofiletower meaning) work 24/ for FREE peddling Pedofiletower liteature(their Bible). If you can "give" just 10 mag in one hour, you will make 240 mag in day, that way you srew up yourself and anybody else much, much FASTER. DO IT !!
    Do the members have to pay for the mags they give out?

  • DavidChristopher

    Funny.....I started asking so many questions my mom begged me to go back to work full time. I was never encourged to read or study the bible. I was encouraged to work 17 hrs a day so I would not have time to think and ask questions. What is up with that ?

    (My mom is devout witness too)

    I guess she wants me to remain "worldly" and doomed to die by her 144,000 gods.

    Can you feel the love?

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