A certain young person told me last night a JW friend of his from N.Y. received an Elder visit . The suspect was told that the elders had been lurking about on myspace and had caught several young ones with accounts there . They told this person's account was benign yet was counseled it was bad association to be on myspace. The young people involved felt it a gross disrespect for the Elders to have their own accounts on myspace for the sole purpose to entrap others . Anyone else hear of this sting operation in your part of the country ? And what do you think of these tactics ,besides typical ?
Elders sting operation on myspace
by troubled mind 41 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like the Hilter's have too much time on their hands to me. -
Check out the post - "Watch Tower officials arrested for spying"......It is no different.
They have absolutely no morals or respect for the law.
Their religion permits them to breach all standards of decency.
Sounds like local elders with suspicions about the youth in their congregation. Apparently they were right.
The harder they squeeze the more sand that escapes their hand.
"We're not policing you, we're just so concerned for your everlasting welfare that we resort to tactics used by police. If you tell anyone, you will be DFd. And we will know if you tell anyone. But not from policing you."
Ewww! Some big steamy stinks to high heaven. Did a bull just walk through the forum?
can you say invasion of privacy. can you say future ex-witness.
A certain young person told me last night a JW friend of his from N.Y. received an Elder visit .
Were they wearing brown?
Your mind is rightly troubled TM.Have you not heard of the Watchtower term "spiritual warfare"? - think yourself lucky you haven't been dismembered you evil hate filled apostate!
cheers, unclebruce
What It Takes to Keep Separate from the World
Without a doubt, our appreciating just how wicked and corrupt Satan's world is will help us to keep separate from the world. Such appreciation will make it easy for us to obey the command found at Psalm 97:10: "O you lovers of Jehovah, hate what is bad." No matter how pleasant, how enticing, wicked things are to the fallen flesh, we must abhor them, even as the apostle commands. (Rom. 12:9) More than that, we want to hate those who willfully show themselves haters of Jehovah, haters of what is good. As David of old expressed it: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies." (Ps. 139:21, 22) We hate them, not in the sense of wanting to do them harm or wishing them harm but in the sense of avoiding them as we would poison or a poisonous snake, for they can poison us spiritually.
Watchtower 1980 June 15 p.8
troubled mind
Thanks Wombat , I just read the spying post you suggested . The young person I talked to last night really felt the elders were dishonest . They would post questions to different accounts trying to get someone to say something they could get in trouble for. Just gives you that warm , fuzzy feeling knowing our shepards love us so much .
troubled mind
Okay unclebruce you kind of scared me there for a second, because I really have an Uncle Bruce ,and he is an Elder. So far I havn't been dismembered . I don't consider myself an evil apostate , I am a benevolent truth seeker and lover of what is right . Do you think they can announce it that way when they finally do find me out ?