helllo. Are you comic book fans? BlessedStar |
Archie& Jughead, Richie Rich - COMICS!
by BlessedStar 46 Replies latest jw friends
Not of those comics in particular but yeah I'm a pretty big comic fan. As you can see my avatar is Angst Boy which is more of a comic strip but comic nonetheless.
Where did you ever come up with that idea?
What? No one knows or remembers Archie & Jughead, let alone Richie Rich? How about Dot? Better yet, Babie Hughy? Can anyone remember when Superman or Green Lantern or Bat man wasn't seperated by issues for a continuing story? How about when Vameralia first came out? My ex-wife was so jealious of Vamperalia she threw them out. And those were the first few issues.
Ah! oh! giving my age away......
I grew up on:
The Archies
Richie Rich
Donald Duck
Now these are comics. Real comic not the stuff nowadays. I still read them they are fun!
Blessed star
I liked Betty, Veronica was such a snot
he he
I remember Baby Huey and Super Goof and having boxes of old Disney comics as a kid.
I bought a Hot Stuff (remember the lil' devil in a diaper?) t-shirt last time I was in Seattle.