Stoping the Watchtower hardcore

by Genesis 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Genesis

    As anyone thought of hardcore ways to stop the WT quickly and firmly?

    Sure there is things like killing the GB or placing a bomb in the brooklyn bethel but these ways are strongly NOT acceptable and the JW would think that the great tribulation arrived....

    I was thinking of things like :

    -Placing hidden microphones to record the GB sessions
    -Incite the US governement to arrest the WTBT$
    -Make a HUGE ant-JW campaign in the media
    -Find a way to spread filtered information to the Rank $ File to make them doubts...

    What other ways could you see ? Imagine we could stop the WT forever ! We could...


  • IP_SEC

    Dont fade. Leave "hardcore" Show them and the rest of the duyas that scare tactics and fear dont work.

  • PMJ

    o you couldt have you not heard?jehovah is there God.and he will protect his careful not to make GOD angry little boy

  • carla

    PMJ, why would God be angry by exposing a false prophet?

  • ezra

    i am suprised that you would use a bible book as your nickname lokk heres an easy way to deal with jehovahs witnesses if you dont like the message than dont listen just like we have to deal with disgusting programming on tv you dont like it dont listen and by the way discussing terrorist activities on the web is a federal offense and you could really go to jail for quite some time for making this hmm.....discussing killing people because you dont like their beliefs that sounds anti american to me.

  • ezra

    by the way i am one of the hardcore .i bet you wouldnt say that to our faces.hiding behind a computer usually is the common tactic used for hate propaganda by the way hate crimes are also illegal.i guess jehovah covered the loopholes .huh.

  • Legolas

    Sorry to burst the bubble that you live in PMJ....But are you not making Jehovah mad by being here?

  • PMJ

    carla can you show me any proof that the whatchtower say they are a prothet?i never ever recal them saying there a prothet.or is this just something you have made up to try and put Gods people in a bad light?

  • IP_SEC
    be careful not to make GOD angry little boy

    Why? Is he a psycopath who cant stand for free people to disagree with him?

  • Spectre

    The hidden microphones tactic might backfire as it might show the love that the Governing Body truly has for the flock.

    Oh, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

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