I have a really difficult problem on my hands and I would very much appreciate some input.
Some years ago, my wife and I offered accomodation to a female relative - lets call her Auntie Molly - who was experiencing some marriage problems. It was a disaster. She was irrascible, moody and incredibly badly behaved. She would quarrel with waiters in restaurants and if she couldn't get her own way she would throw a fainting fit. She would drink gin in the afternoon and take tranquilisers at night. She got angry because ours was a non smoking home and would run from room to room blowing cigarette smoke through each doorway in her frustration. Once she attacked me with a chair when I disagreed with her. Not good!
Of course, we had soon had enough and I insisted that she move elswhere. However she then told all of the family that I had tried to molest - RAPE!- her. Yeah, right, in her dreams!!!
Now, many years have passed and I have refused to have any contact at all. Recently she made contact to tell us that she was seriously ill, and, suspecting subterfuge, I checked out the details. Sure enough, she has cancer and has the rest of the family dangling on a string with her "I will / wont have treatment" tactics.
She has also made contact to say that she is sorry for what she said about me. Just sorry for saying it, but she still maintains that I tried to rape her! She now says that she should have kept quiet, but that I am still guilty of molesting her!
As a result, my relatives - who say that they don't believe her - are now giving her all the attention that she has always craved. I am continuing to operate a shunning policy and I refuse to budge on this until I get a total retraction from her. Even if she eventually ends up on her death bed I don't intend to even acknowledge her existence.
Has anyone got any ideas/ thoughts/ advice that may be helpful? Incidentally, I have always believed that lies hate the light, so I have told all my friends and aquaintances about this as well.
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.