I grew a goatee and thats my sign to them, that I'm rebellious...
What's yours
by JH 60 Replies latest jw friends
I grew a goatee and thats my sign to them, that I'm rebellious...
What's yours
I also grew a goatee.
I grew a backbone.
I did what got me started down this wonderful road of freedom. I grew a full beard.
good one. I grew a backbone too, and also went to the contribution box to retrieve my balls.
I grew a goatee too.
LOL Blondie.
I bet Blondie looks great with a goat. I myself grew one just about the instant that I left 11 years ago and then about 2 years ago I let my hair grow out, its shoulder length now.
I now look mean.
No happy Richie, just this menacing stare that tells me not to make eye contact. That, and I flare my nostrils alot.