I know this has been mentioned in the Big new thread but I think a lot of people might miss this since the thread is so long.
Blood/Big News article
by skyman 16 Replies latest watchtower medical
"Aside from the new directive, a footnote in the Witnesses' standard brochure, "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" mentions the 2000 article on fractions — but then omits its contents."
Can anyone point out just exactly what has been omitted? Is the information in the 2000 Watchtower omitted?
Can anyone scan this information so we can see what it is that has been edited?
That is the crucial issue, they can't change the doctrine because that will blow apart their credibility with the R&F and cost them crippling losses in the form of compensations.
no its not inconsistent genesis 9;4 leviticus 7;26 levitcus 17;13 leviticus 17;14 1st chronicles 11;19 acts15;20 acts 15;29 .i think he ahs made it pretty clear.need more?
are you saying the bible supports the ban on blood? If you are, I have research that I have done using only the bible and the Society's Insight Book. I have had three C.O. go over the information with me and they have all said I was correct. I have had seven Elders go over it with and they all had to agree that the ban on blood does not come from the bible. Several of the Elders mentioned has sense quit because of see the truth. The letter was sent to Bethel they replied back tell me to never show this to others. I will PM you with the letter. Anyone else that want the my blood letter PM me and I'll sent it to you.
i think he ahs made it pretty clear.need more?
Yes... You must connect transfusion and consumption by establishing a moral, physical or ontological equivalency of some sort between the two. Then and only then can the applicabilty of your captioned scriptures be discussed. Without equivalency, they are irrelavant.
no its not inconsistent genesis 9;4 leviticus 7;26 levitcus 17;13 leviticus 17;14 1st chronicles 11;19 acts15;20 acts 15;29 .i think he ahs made it pretty clear.need more? ezra
You are right that the Bible is not inconsistent. However, the Watchtower Society has revised its blood policy many times over the past 50 years. It has gone back and forth just like a drunken sailor. I suggest that every Jehovah's Witness examine all of the WTBTS's publications regarding blood. If you do the research it is only a matter of time before you are faced head-on with a momental decision: Do you continue to support an organisation that has flip-flopped back and forth on an issue that has cost thousands of people their lives? For any active Jehovah's Witness who really desires the truth of the matter I have authentic bound reprints of the following article from Baylor University, "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions and the Tort of Misrepresentation" that I will gladly send to you so that you can compare it with the referenced quotes in the brochure, "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" published in 1990 by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Compare the quotes and then research other sources to see who is telling the truth about those who were quoted. Bob Evans Walland, TN
Ezra, please could you let me have a copy of the letter you sent to bethel and their reply if possible...I'm having a lot of difficulties with the blood issue - it is very inconsistent and the more info I have the better informed I can be,
Thanks very much,
Peacekeeper -
Ezra, can you explain scripturally why whole blood transfusions are forbidden, yet blood fractions are not?
Ezra, can you explain scripturally why whole blood transfusions are forbidden, yet blood fractions are not?
Sorry tmo, but Ezra will not be back to answer your question. Ones like Ezra, always bail when you ask for more than thier redoric.
You'd think they'd see that they don't have the "Truth" when they know there's no anwser for there claims.