It's been about a month since I posted... sorry to stay away so long.
Many of you are aware that my parents stopped speaking to me last year, and the only time I've seen them in a year is when my Dad had a heart attack.
I got an e-mail from my Mom that asked how I "felt about their religion" since I'm celebrating holidays.
I sat down with Mom on Saturday and told her that regardless of our differences in beliefs, that we're still family, and that will never change. I told her that I understand that she's conflicted because of her beliefs, and that it's been difficult for her. I told her that I love her, she is my mother, and no matter what, that will never change.
She tried to address "apostasy" by telling me to remember that I may decide to "come back" and I don't want to "do or say anything that could harm my chances." I responded by saying that I appreciate her concern. And I left it at that.
It's really hard for my husband to understand this f-ed up dynamic... his family has always been there for us, they wouldn't dream of cutting of relationship with us, even though they know that we have no intention of becoming Catholic. My parents took every opportunity to make jabs and snide comments about Catholics (my husband wasn't around, of course) to which I replied, "my in-laws are great people, and they're Catholic, so I have respect for their beliefs, even though I may not believe the same way that they do."
I think that "respect for another person's beliefs" is beyond the grasp of JWs.
The last time I spoke to my ex, he had started to do some "research" on the Society and was meeting with his elders (only 2, not 3, since he was sure that they'd turn it into a JC)to discuss. From that, he decided to stop attending meetings. I told Mom this, and she said, "It sounds like he got ahold of some apostate literature!" I replied, "He's not living his life as a hypocrite anymore, and if that's what it took, so be it."
Some things I'm not sure that they were able to grasp.
Anyway, my husband and I made plans with them the next night, and we had a great time together. My husband still isn't thrilled with my parents total refusal to accept our beliefs ("if you celebrate the holidays, I just don't want to hear anything about it!") but he understands my need to deal with them in this way. It's sad that we have this "spiritual rider" on our relationship. It shouldn't be this way.
Anyway, I'm back! I'm not even going to try to go through all of the posts from the last month... too much "catchup."
Sorry for the long post, I hope all is well with everyone.
I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.