Hmm, I noticed that there are lots of fellow JW-daters registering and posting of late, too. They're coming out of the woodworks!!
As for advice, I'd say:
1.) RUN!!
2.) RUN!!
Granted, I'm probably the world's biggest hypocrite for saying that - I'm still dating my JW boyfriend, almost three months after signing up on this board and having reams of people telling me to head for the hills. Heh, what can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment.
Hehehe, as much as I like the advice to move to Canada, I have one problem with it - I'm from Canada, I'm already here, but I still managed to find myself dating an American JW!! I'm tellin' ya, if they want you, they will find you, whether you're in Canada or not!!
-Becka :)