In Genesis we read that god created man and set him in the
garden to tend it. (Genesis 2:8).
The man is warned not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The tree of life is not mentioned. After Adam eats of the tree
of life, he is removed from the garden, not for disobedience, but to
specifically keep him from eating of the tree of life and becoming
Behold, the Lord God said, the man has become as one of us, to
know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take
ofthe tree of life, and eat, and live forever;
therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of
Eden, to till teh ground from whence he was taken.
Note that god uses the term "as one of us", the plural
Elohim, the gods, is used in Genesis 1:1 as well.
Who is "us"?
Genesis 6 tells us.
Gen 1:1
And it came to pass that whenman began to multiply on the
face of the earth, and daughters were born to them;
that the sons of god saw that they were fair and;
and they took wives of all that they chose.
And the Lord God said, My spirit will not always strive
with man, for he is also flesh, yet his days shall be an
hundred and twenty.
There were giants in the earth in those days, and also
after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of
men, and they bare children to them, the same became might men,
god had sons. God and his sons got their godlike abilities
from consuming fruits of special trees. They did not
want mankind to have access to these trees or their fruits.
God's sons were capable of mating with women, they had the equiptment
and the will and desire. They also were capable of having
children, hybrids, showing the sons of god were very close
to man from a genetic standpoint. They both shared a
close set of genes.
Note also that god apparently could adjust mankind's DNA
to set lifespan, from the 930 years of Adam and similar
lifespans to the 120 years he sets as a limit in Genesis
Obviously, god and his sons are aliens, earth is
a mere farming planet to them. They seem to have left.
Unfortunately, they took their magic trees with them.
However, fortunately, we will soon have the full
genetic makeup of man known to us, and we will be able
to find out what genes God meddled with to keep
us shortlived, and we will be able to find out what
engineered materials the magic trees of the gods gave
us to allow eternal life and vastly enhanced mental
Obviously, we are still in the crippled mode, slave mode
of god and his sons, they did not want rivals, they
did not want long lived geniuses, they wanted stoop labor
sex slaves and little more.
Possibly then, to explain their failure, and thus
their absence, they themselves were not more than
formen, themselves limited by even more advanced aliens.
The failure of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam was the failure
to remeber these things or realize what these verses really obviously
These religions, played games, my god is bigger than your god,
ever inflating what they believed was god, until god has
become a big phantom, impossible, we have paradoxes of the
problem of evil, the problem of ominscience vs free will, ect.
But the world is natural, physics rules, not phantoms,
and science was what god used to rule this planet, and us,
biochemistry to be exact.
There will come a time, where we will again, live forever,
either recreating the tree of life and its genetically engineered
fruit, or by creating yeast cells that give us the stuff of
life immortal, or more directly incorporating purpose built
artifical genes that will makes us gods again.
We will all be geniuses, we will all be able to learn
any subject with ease, like the savants that seem
to be on a first name basis with numbers, the effortless
artist, the musician who creates as easily as he or she breathes,
the talented engineer.
There will ensue a great battle, humans are now developing space propulsions that will bring us into competition with the Rash'alikik. Bible codes point to this as if the Rash'alikik prophesied their own doom.
Fruit trees in eden. Alien vegetation?
by Franz 11 Replies latest jw friends
there are aliens among human-kind, but I can not get into details otherwise I would expose myself
humans are now developing space propulsions that will bring us into competition with the Rash'alikik
why do i feel like one of those condescending skeptics in hollywood movies that are always killed by the alien that they arrogantly said didn't exist? lol.
you moron! there is no scientific evidence that the Rash'alikik or any aliens exist..... oh my god, what the hell was that?.... oh my god, holy!! aahhh!!! help me!!! aaarrggghhhheeeoolllleeaaabbbhhyytttsssjjcckkiiww!!!!!
heh he
The fruit down at the supermarket does it for. Btw, where did you dig up the rashakalkiks, anyway? I read a lot of wierd shit, but i never ran accross them. In other words, who is thinking up this stuff?
BOING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not sure about fruit trees in eden, but definitely some fruit cake on JWD !!!
LOL @ tetrapod
I'm a Franz fan and read his stuff intently. It's also the kind of stuff I can slip into conversation and use to scare people away, eg have my own carriage on a train, get my barber to stop talking to me while he's cutting my hair, or simply emptying the pub when I just want a quiet drink.
Franz get your own website dude but keep posting here
as you may know, there are scientists around the world today, that are
trying to polong life and fight aging using various means. Here is
the experiment that I have been doing:
I am 60 years old. I can pass for a man in his late teens or early
20s. In 1963 I read that vitamins slow down aging. I started taking a
combination of vitamins and calcium that I thought was fairly
complete. By the time I was 40 years old, I had slowed my aging down
so well that I looked like a man of about 26 years old. I decided to
experiment and try to make my age go backwards by increasing the
dosage on my vitamin combination. It seems to have worked. My hair
started growing back and it turned darker, my nose turned up a little,
my face became rounder and younger looking, sagging and wrinkles went
away or diminished and my skin is young looking like a teenagers skin.
I can do physical activity like a young man. I believe that I have
discovered a vitamin formula that can really make a person get young
again; my body is proof of it. It seems to do everything but make
teeth grow back and I have a theory about how to accomplish that. I
believe that a person's age could possibly get as young as 17, just
after puberty. These vitamins can be purchased at the local drug
store, but you must know what combination and how much. A rough
estimate is that for every year that goes by, you could get about 2 or
3 years younger.
I believe that the fruit of the tree of life, in genesis had such a
high nutritional value that it would stop the aging process. I also
believe that a person can imitate the high nutrition in the fruit of
the tree of life by using large doses of vitamins and calcium that can
be purchased at a modern drug store or health food store.
Too much vitamin a and vitamin D can kill you. However, very large
doses of vitamin C and vitamin E can be taken. Basically it works like
As food is burned or oxidized in your cells, for energy, waste
products are developed. These waste products are cleaned away by the
urinary tract. But if you don't get enough vitamins the urinary tract
does not clean the waste out fast enough. The waste products
accumulating in the cells causes the rate of the cell divisions to
slow down. This is what causes a person to get old; cell division slow
down. Antioxidant vitamins, such as A, C, and E, clean the waste
products out of the cells faster and throws it into the blood stream.
Caffeine, which stimulates the urinary function, will filter the waste
out of the blood faster. So vitamins and caffeine together can keep
the cells cleaner. The cleaner cells do not slow down the rate of the
cell divisions so the person does not get old. [Large daily doses of
calcium are needed to keep the bones and teeth healthy.]
Today I turned 50 years old and I believe I have the body of a young
man about 20 years old, more or less. I look like I am about 20.
The Bible story about eating the fruit of the tree of life and living
forever is true and I am out to prove it. I already have very good
results with a body about 30 years younger than what it is expected to
I saw a women on TV that was also megadosing on vitamins and she was
about 20 years younger than what was expected. I believe that I
probably took a lot more vitamins than she did and for a longer time;
my results are better.
Genesis 5:11 And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five
years: and he died. -
Yeah sure and eating oranges makes you gay...
AK - Jeff
You are an interesting fellow!