Does anyone know the length of contract or agreement that those who received a law degree funded by the WTBTS had to sign? thanks dan
Borg's attorneys
by rekless 21 Replies latest jw friends
It would seem likely that the WTS would ask that of them. But how to prove it. I do know of Bethelites that were trained in other disciplines and left Bethel before completing their education...but I think it was in-house training and no money was expended.
thanks Blondie, There was a letter to the elders in the late 80s or early 90s that solicited the need for mature spiritual qualified brothers that was interested in attaining a law degree and it stipulated that they must be willing to stay at Bethel for a certain amount of time after they received their degree. It was like 4 or 5 years. I served at that time and thought that it was two face to tell us we shouldn't go to college, but was soliciting to send some to college to get law degrees. I'm old and my mind may be slipping.
I don't remember anything officially being read or printed for the rank and file about sending Bethelites to college for additional traininng. In fact about ten years ago, while asking for people with professional skills, they said that parents should not send their children to college to get those skills but that they were looking for people who had become JWs after having gone to school and acquired skills as doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.
I'm sure it was one of those behind the scenes things, lying by omission.
this letter was not to be read to the congregation, but it stated the society was sending well deserved faithful Bethelite bros to college to fill the need for attorneys within the organization.
I wonder if any ex-elders (or current ones) that post here remember that or have a copy of the letter?
they were looking for people who had become JWs after having gone to school and acquired skills as doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.
Blonde, I remember a pioneer telling me the same thing but somehow I thought it was announced at the KH or was in the KM. Late 80's.
*** km 6/01 p. 4 Can You Make Yourself Available? ***
Additionally, some brothers and sisters who may be a little older than 35 and who have specialized skills and training that could be used at Bethel are encouraged to apply. For example, these include dentists, doctors, certified public accountants, architects, engineers, registered nurses, automobile mechanics, or electronic technicians, to mention but a few. However, we do not encourage individuals to obtain specialized education or training with the thought that this will improve their chances of being called into Bethel. Those who have already received specialized training, perhaps before coming into the truth, may wish to write out a detailed résumé and attach it to the Bethel application.
I stopped going in 2000; therefore, I haven't heard this new arrangement. but I do remember sitting with the body of elders in Clearlake, Ca. when the letter was read.and it did not have anything to do with docores or accountants, just lawyers.
Bugger, you mean I could have got my law degree paid for? I was ready in the early 80's, but I was opressed for another 5 or 6 years until I grew the nuts to do it for myself (sisters were doing it for themselves by then!!)