I'm loving it.
Superbowl XL - It's Pittsburgh all the way!
by drew sagan 26 Replies latest jw friends
Darth Yhwh
Well, I've been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan for over 25 years now........so......yeah......I too am loving it!
Way to go Steeler's!!!!!!!
Since I am in the Seattle area, we are not happy!
The referees totally won that game for Pittsburgh. So, we are calling them the Stealers.
That first touchdown should not have been allowed. He was NOT over the goal line. Seattle got every flag,and the Stealers made most of the same offenses and never got a penalty.
It was really bad. Seattle is not a happy town tonight.
How can you be happy about a game that wasn't fair?
Sorry, Mulan, I love you but I'm one Seattlelite that is HAPPY!!! Been a fan of the Steelers since 1970 or thereabouts, can't stop now. I disagree on the calls, but I heard it all at our party and all the way home too! In my opinion Seattle doesn't have anything to apologize for, they played a good game. Holmgren said they didn't play as well today as they have been playing. They did make some mistakes.
There was pass interference on the call taking back the goal, he pushed off against the defensive player. Even the player knew it if you saw his face right afterwards, his biggest mistake was doing it right in front of the official. I can see how you might argue the first touchdown, but the Steelers won by more than 7 points.
The best thing Seattle can do now is get right back in there. That will be the test.
Having been magnanomous, however, I must leave you with this: Woooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo
G Money
Refs??? Ummm... pleez!!!! 21 to 10, yes it was sooooo close and the refs stole it. Uh huh.... ooohh hey, I have this oceanfront property in Arizona, wanna buy it?
Refs??? Ummm... pleez!!!! 21 to 10, yes it was sooooo close and the refs stole it. Uh huh.... ooohh hey, I have this oceanfront property in Arizona, wanna buy it?
Now, that's just mean. Take away that phoney touchdown and it's 14 to 10. Give the Stealers a few penalties, that they deserved, by the way, and maybe the Seahawks could have scored again.
No matter how you look at it, it wasn't fair. I am not a huge football fan, but I understand the game and I watched this game just for the local loyalty. I saw lots of mistakes on both sides, for sure, but why didn't the Stealers ever have any penalties for their "holding" etc. Just the Seahawks got penalized. I admit they missed lots of passes, but the refs were bad! Some of the commentators agreed by the way.......bad, and unfair calls.
It was won by the officials no doubt about that. I would hate to have won that way, if I was Pittsburgh I would be damn mad about the official called the game the way they did becauses it removed a clear victory and tainted it.
I particularly enjoyed the shade of blue chosen by the Seahawks, I'm going to do a bedroom in that color.
Personally, I thought the game was a little slow.....it was not exciting.....then again, neither of my two favorite teams were playing.