- raising my child as a JW for the first 8 years of his life. Since I faded we've been catching up all the things he's missed.
- not going back to college/aspiring for a career because we were "deep in the time of the end"
- having a sucky social life (they tell you to dump your friends when you join up, when you do join and you're new, no one really wants to get too close to you [hence the desire to get baptized], even as a regular member of the congregation if you're a little too "fun" you get little love, when you leave they dump you and you're left with no one and have to build a social life from scratch
- broken family (and hugs to the woman alienated from her daughters...this religion can't be from God)
- missed opportunities for marriage (I mean, I've still "got it" but again with rebuilding the social life comes learning how to date again)