lady lee as always asks good questions; I would add, is there any chance anyone from your JW past could become violent toward you or any family/children you have if you appeared on such a show?
I have used many aliases, gone to great lengths to protect my identity for the sake of myself and my child from what I consider to be an unstable element from my past. I would advise anyone who may have someone with questionable temperment in their own past to indeed, proceed with caution.
I have always wanted to see Dr. Phil take on the JW mindset. He seems to take on groups that are not as easily 'mainstream' as JWs as far as beliefs go (as far out as we think they are, they can actually explain away a lot of their dogma and make it sound reasonable; on the surface).
I've seen him take on cults with child brides, etc, but I wonder if he'd be willing to touch the JW issues.
As always, my love to you Dogpatch :) *mwah!*