Rumor alert: GB talk Jesus had 7 comings

by truthseeker 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Severus

    LOL Blondie. So many JW's I know just wring talks for anything interesting.

    My joke with a few of them: Did you hear that new point in the Watchtower Study? Yes Jesus IS the Son of God. I've never heard it put like THAT before...

    And then I reference them back to the 1980-something WT article that states whatever new point they thought they heard.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    That brings back bad memories from being at Morning Worship. Losch would always try to give antitype examples and how it applied to 100 things. Give me a break Loschy baby! 1st it's 7:00 in the morning, no one has woken up yet. Hmm, I think he does that on purpose so we just agree with him. When we got to work we would ask each other, "Did he understand Losches morning worhsip? The answers varied from: "Sorry I missed morning worhsip again" or "It flew right over my head" or "Damm! I missed Loschs comments" or "Damm! I wish I was in bed"

    I am sure that he has gotten talked to by his GB comrades and the Teaching Committee. Brings back memories of Franz's book.

    WAC - From the inner Sanctum of N.Y. Bethel

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I learned at Bethel that if any GB said something "out of whack"/new at Bethel or at a Convention, it was not official unless if it was in print, thus approved by 2/3s of GB and/or teaching committee. Nonetheless it does give us insight as each GB members thinking. I would have to say that the warmest speaker is Danny Boy Sydlik. I miss him. I think.


  • lawrence

    So what's the problem? I came 7 times on Friday, and then went into the recording studio Saturday and recorded...

    If I should be late for the mass, you can tell the priest to kiss my holy ass.

    If I should be late for the gate, you can tell St. Peter; he don't have to wait.

    And don't hold the wafer, don't give me wafer, I don't want your wafer - NO MORE!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I never heard this, and would like to see it confirmed before I accept that even a religion as wacky as the jws would say it. If it is true however, most of the flock would swallow it hook, line and sinker.

  • metatron

    Loesch is a bonehead - or as one Bethelite put it , "not the sharpest knife in the drawer".

    He was the idiot who tried to get the Society to come down on brothers watching football

    He was the idiot who greeted heartbroken parents in Europe and Africa with "Read your Bible!", after they complained that

    their kids were falling out of the "truth". District Overseers took this stupid dismissal as some sort of great wisdom, instead

    of the insulting reply it was ( did he think they were reading the Koran?)

    I wouldn't put any stock in what he says.


  • seawolf

    Jesus came seven times? wow...Jesus = Peter North ? (the state my mind is in maybe I should just go back to bed lol)

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I don't expect to see any new "revelations" from the society. Anything they present that seems unusual in recent publications is simply a rewrite of material that allready exsisted.
    I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard a C.O. talk about some wierd point that was printed in a 1970's Watchtower and how we should go back and research it. Last C.O. told us this crazy thing about people not having kids during the 1000 years and a bunch of wacky stuff like that. Can't remember the referance, all i remember is that it's from the 70s.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    7 comings

    The wt jesus is quite a performer.


    LMAO fred! are we sure this jesus guy was a "he"?

  • skyman

    I sure hope this is true. It will be a lot fun.

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