Hello everyone, -part One -
(to allow more readers..)
First of all thanks for the interest, the comments and the
contribution already given to this thread.
I have a request for Simon, if is technically possible:
- Giving a more " appropriate title/name " to this
thread i.e.
" WTBS status as NGO : the FACTS!"
This thread would contain all the actual posts under
" Major UN/WTS News- We have a letter "
plus all the correspondence, e-mail , news article
and all the other informations provided by Hawks,
Map, Kent, Trilobite and many others , which
will allow readers to get a better understanding
of the past and recent dealings of the WTBS.
Facts, which in great part have been hidden to the
brothers and sisters worldwide, and also to all those
who were entitled to know .
You collaboration, has been and will be greatly
appreciated, even the fact to read ONLY and so be
informed of the FACTS.
Of course your comments and even contributions
with additional informations and web links, will be
always WELCOME. As someone already commented:
" …these informations should be given the priorities
and should receive the widest publicity …"
Now to the specific comments about pages 13 - 15:
* Gilles letter it is really a " precious gem " for all those,
who love TRUTH and try their best to EXPOSE LIES!
As it has been suggestesuggested we should remind
"brother " Gilles of this interesting WTBS quote:
"Jehovah's Witnesses are an organization of truth.
We should want to speak the truth and be absolutely accurate in every detail at all times.
This should be so not only as regards doctrine but also in our quotations, what we say about others or how we represent them, also in matters involving scientific data or news events."
- Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook,
'Accuracy of Statement' page 110, paragraph 9,
Maybe, it would help him …the next time!
*Stephen Bates (Guardian's writer) did another piece
of superb work, in refuting Gilles letter.
Its logic and thought provoking questions , addressed to
Gilles, with whom he " ..spoke several days before the article .."
surely must have left Gilles ..without breath!
And another phrase worthy of the best WTBS strategy:
"…there are no factual inaccuracies in my report.."!
Well what a mild, logical and truthful answer from Stephen
Bates!! Excellent news for all lovers of TRUTH.
Thank you very much indeed, to Mr. Bates for the way that
he reported - impartially - the FACTS.
And I'm sure that many of you, loved the little touch at the
end of the letter : "…I'm only bird seed in your demonology!"
That, allow me to write it, it is truly British wit…at his best.
Prisca: - thanks for the reminder: "..the guys there don't
Realize Mr Bates doesn't have to "wait on Jehovah " to get
the answers'!
Now for other comments:
From Ranchette: "..I hope that when the UN sees that WT has made a public statement full of lies about their membership with them that the UN will cough up the original copies of the application and expose them for the liars they are!!"
I'm also hoping in that….and we are not alone!!!
And : " …They are being hit from alot of different angles and they are reacting instead of making good decisions."
Maybe this observation, is more accurate than we might think…
From Wannahelp: " .. Just because the WT lied is not a bad thing... In fact, the lies will be easy to expose, because they are such blatant lies..."
And also :"… Paul Gilles letter openly admits that they were an NGO... !!!!"
Now that's GREAT! But weren't we told that it was ALL " an invention",
An "evil scheme " from those …APOSTATES???
Plus you gave another reminder to "brother " Gillies i.e.
"…The Watchtower, 12/15/92, page 22, in an article
titled: "Why Is It So Easy to Lie?"
Now consider this definition of the word "lie":
'A lie is defined as "1. a false statement or action, especially one made with intent to deceive . . .
2. anything that gives or is meant to give a false impression." The intention is to cause others to believe something that the liar knows is not the truth."
Great point! Please don't worry, Mr. Stephen Bates will receive all
This material…I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
To Messenger: your quote: " *** it-1 726 Enemy ***
On the other hand, there are many who become God’s hard-set enemies, including Satan and the wicked demons, who gather the nations in opposition to God (Re 16:13-16);
the apostate “man of lawlessness,” who sets himself in opposition to God (2Th 2:3, 4);
“Babylon the Great,” whose “sins have massed together clear up to heaven” (Re 17:5; 18:5);
“the wild beast” out of the sea, which gets its power and authority from Satan the dragon (Re 13:1, 2, 6);
the two-horned “wild beast,” which promotes worship of that sea “beast” (Re 13:11, 12);
the “scarlet-colored wild beast” that is “full of blasphemous names” (Re 17:3);
and those who persist in supporting them
(Re 19:17-21). These God will destroy.—De 32:41; Isa 59:18; Re 20:10."
This is really a " TRUE GEM " Thanks, thanks, I do really appreciate it!
From Osarsif : " . The spokesman of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Portugal says:
"The registry as NGO was made only to be able to give humanitarian help and defend the human rights in several countries of the world [...] like Angola, …"
And you have compared with :
" The spokesman of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Britain says:
"one of our legal corporations registered with the United Nations as a NGO (non-governmental organization) for the sole purpose of getting access to the extensive library of the United Nations."
Your comment NEEDS NOTHING ELSE . Great!
Thanks and greetings to you all, J.C. MacHislopp
" One who has an accurate knowledge
of God's Word will have no problem
in refuting false religious ideas".