If Christians are 1/3 of the world's population....

by joelbear 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joelbear

    then why do we have homeless people, millions starving, millions others living in poverty.

    seems like a mighty ineffective 2 billion believers.

  • LittleToe

    Hey, don't knock all of us. Some try their best, against all odds. So called "Christian" nations hold the best records for social support systems.

    If it were all up to "survival of the fittest", who would give a damn?

  • joelbear

    seems like the great majority of christians don't care anything about being christlike.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    If Christians are only 1/3 of the worlds population what the hell are the other 2/3 doing about homelessness, starvation and poverty?

    Why don't they shift off their fat arses and do something instead of expecting the Christians to fix everything?

    - And yes that was very tongue in cheek, there are relief organisations from many other religious and secular groups as well as Christian groups who ARE doing a helluva lot to help alleviate suffering and injustice. Just trying to redress the balance a little.

    'If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem'


    Is one-third an accuate estimate? I though it was around one-fifth of the world's population.

  • Carmel

    Shootist, you are correct!


  • greendawn

    The Church never produced the ideal Christian society but on the other hand it did produce a substantial good change in society.

  • Think

    Watchtower have solution for hunger: give them magazines to read with nice pictures of healthy food. That will make them feel beter ! And besides, homeles should think more about reading last daniel prophecy, because spiritual food is more important !

  • nicolaou

    1/3 of the worlds population are not christian it is just that they say they are. As LT intimated, many sincere christians do a good deal of valuable, charitable work as indeed do many muslims, jews and members of other faith groups.

    Even us godless atheists have been known to help others from time to time, as hopelessly non-Darwinian as that might be.

  • talley

    Because Jebus said "..you will always have the poor with you..."

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