i personaly belivive the people who r anointed on earth today would be lovers of God and they would be united in thought of the only true God jehovah and his son jesus christ
by PMJ 69 Replies latest jw friends
define "Annointed" - who, what, when, and where.
well u seem to no a little on this subject.you tell me mrs jones.ive told you who i think will be anointed.now you tell me?
They're called Christians.
Acts 15:14 Simeon has reported how God first intervened to take from the Gentiles a people for His name.
Acts 11:25-26 Then he went to Tarsus to search for Saul, and when he found him he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught large numbers, and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
Ok, I'll bite - how do you expect people to be united in thought? What are you saying are the true qualifications for being annointed? Could someone be annointed and chastise the watchtower corporation for their errors? Or do you raise the society above the annointed ones? According to jw belief, the annointed are the faithful and discreet slave, and they appoint the governing body. So shouldn't annointed ones have the authority to correct the governing body, even marking or disfellowshipping them if they are on a wrong course?
Please answer my questions, PMJ, and show that you don't just start these threads for attention.
The WT is soon gonna have a big problem with this issue. If you look at it closely, the heavenly calling came to an end in 1935. So lets do some math. Anyone old enough to even be annointed and in good standing would most likely be deceased by now. Now lets take ( for the sake of argument ) that some have fallen away. This is the year 2006. Does that mean that Jehovah has been replacing some for over 70 years? The number should have been sealed a very very long time ago. Just another problem that the WT will have to face with the passing of more time. This along with many other problems is slowly eroding away at the core of its teachings.
No one who is associated with the non-Christian, Apostate Watchtower organisation can be annointed.
Ah, looks like our distinguished graduate of the University of Awake found the CAPS LOCK key. Next semester, er issue, they cover A Godly View of the Spell-checker and Capitalization -- What is the Bible's Viewpoint.
-silent -
when i said they would be united in thought my reasoning was this.say u have one man who belivives the trinity.and one man who beliveives God isnt a trinity.i cant see how both men can be anointed.because if God isnt a trinity then the man who thinks he is.doesnt realy no God.and the same for the man who belivies God isnt a trinity.if God is a trinity then he doesnt no God.so in my eyes.God would only anoint people who truly no him
Next semester, er issue, they cover the Wonders of the Spellchecker.
I always thought advanced stuff like that was only taught in Gilead.W