Could you tell me in what ways the WTS is much like those that they believe are wrong? (Example: Mormons believe Jesus is an angel; WT belive Jesus is Michael the Archangel.) I'm interested in seeing comparisons to Catholic, Mormon, Moonies, etc...whatever. Compare they to Amway! I would like to see in what ways they are alike, even though they feel unique and exclusive, for having the same doctrines or practices as others.
Could you tell me how the WTS is like, Catholics, Mormons, etc....?
by whyizit 14 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, Mormons believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, the creator of this earth under the direction of the Father, and the Savior of all mankind.
Mormons are similar to JWs in that we meet in a building, have designated congregations (Wards/Branches), and do door to door ministry work.
Mormons are different in that we have Primary for the small children and Young Mens and Young Womens for the teenagers, so the classes and activities are divided by age, interest and ability. Also different in that we do not shun anyone. Our people would be horrified if they knew of the JW shunning system. We also participate in community service projects, such as soup kitchens and other charities, and believe in giving direct aid to those in need, rather than merely preaching at them or handing them something to read.
Mormons also NEVER discuss other religions in the meetings, nor in the literature. If someone mentions another religion, we are careful not to speak disrespectfully of that religion.
We sponsor interfaith and interdenominational events such as the Night of Nativity (majorly successful Christmas event where people from all over the community share their nativity sets and other Christmas decorations, and have groups from many other churches singing carols or doing bell-ringing, things like that), or the Emergency Preparedness Fair (hubby and I taught a class in emergency communications/Ham radio which was very well received by members and non-members alike), and other community events throughout the year.
Mormons seek out ways to participate with other churches and charitable groups, but NEVER with publicity attached.
Mormons encourage participation in community-based organizations, so have many members in some form of civic office or politics. Hubby and I were on the local water board, something a big deal in this area where water rights are hotly contested. Another member is on the City Council. Another is currently the mayor.
Mormons believe in defending the weak. Many are in law enforcement (husband, two sons), many are in the military (two sons). Many go into social work (two dil's) or medicine (me). Every congregation has a high number of those professions, plus various public school or college teachers.
Mormons strongly encourage education. The first university west of the Mississippi was ours. When it was built, Brigham Young made it clear that any families who could only send one child to the university were to send their daughter, rather than their son -- a huge break from traditional thinking of his day. The young women, he said, would become the mothers of the nation and needed to teach their children well. It was many years before the world caught up to that kind of thinking.
Mormons now have several universities, and other schools. They also have sports teams. (BYU)
Mormons do not smoke or drink nor use anything illegal or addictive. They are not shunned if they do, however.
Mormons teach a high moral code. The smart ones live by it and are blessed. It is a choice. Everything we do is a choice. It's a lot easier to make a free choice without the whole shunning thing staring you in the face every time somebody sneezes. Mormons are human. They make mistakes. But, overall, they try to live by what they are taught.
As soon as I send this, I'll come up with a thousand and one things I should have said, or could have said better than I did. I'll probably get attacked and wish I hadn't bothered to post at all, but here it is anyway. Hope it helps!
hmm- I used to do those mental comparisons. Which version of Christianity and Jesus believers has gotten it right. Who is a cult and who is not. Now it comes down to this for me: Jesus is dead- he's not coming back- get over it. To each his own.
Double Edge
Example: Mormons believe Jesus is an angel;
Where are you getting your information....? WRONG.
Thanks beat me to it...nice to see you again.
Those who are Mormon and on this site can correct me if I am wrong. A simularity between JW's and Mormons is that the Watchtower published by the JW's and the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Value and the other literature published by the Mormons are viewed as superior to the Bible and supercede it when conflicts are presented. Written later or New Light rationale.
Hi SusanHere
Thanks for the excellent information. In all honesty you've sparked some interest. Instead of just driving by, perhaps I'll visit the local congregation/temple.
you cany compare us to catholics they are so off the mark its ridulous as far as mormons their door to door ministry is for a finite time and it is funded by the normon church witnesses preach from time they make a dedication to the time they die according to circumstances.we believe jesus return constitutes his turning his attention to mans affairs and directly governing those that are obedient through the channel of the governing body and through the scriptures.we do not want to be associated with any professed christian religion because they fall short of adhering to gods standards as set out in the bible
we do not want to be associated with any professed christian religion because they fall short of adhering to gods standards as set out in the bible
Are you saying the WTBTS adheres to gods standards?
The following terms come to my mind which convince me different!
- Child Abuse
- United Nations
- False Prophesies
- Hypocrisy
- Doctrinal Flip Flops
- Mexico/Malawi (although this could be hypocrisy too)
Have you truly researched the WTBTS?
ezra you fall short of your beliefs everytime you post there...but that's ok cuz we won't shun you
we believe jesus return constitutes his turning his attention to mans affairs and directly governing those that are obedient through the channel of the governing body and through the scriptures.we do not want to be associated with any professed christian religion because they fall short of adhering to gods standards as set out in the bible
Jesus' ruling as king since 1914, has done quite a lousy job. Wouldn't ya say?