BIG NEWS - Did I miss something ?

by wombat 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • wombat

    "The doctrine’s importance will be underscored next week as elders who lead more than 98,000 congregations worldwide recite a new five-page blood directive from headquarters. The doctrine’s importance will be underscored next week as elders who lead more than 98,000 congregations worldwide recite a new five-page blood directive from headquarters."

    I've seen nothing on this site since Sunday regarding a "new five page directive from headquarters.

    So what happened? What was said? Just give me a link if you would.

    It seems such an anti-climax after all the Associated Press hype.

  • blondie

    So what do you think should be happening, and what part do you see yourself playing in it?

  • wombat

    Blondie....Please read again what I said.

    There has been nothing reported on this site about the new "five page directive" that was so ardently promoted by AP.

    All I am asking is ....What happened at the meetings ? What was read out ? What are the new directives ?

    How am I supposed to do something about it when I don't know what happened ?

    I have asked Danny but no response that I can find.

    Again, after all the AP hype....I'm asking you....what happened ? What was said at the meetings ?

    Wombat of the 1975 let-down class

  • kid-A

    I agree, for people that were present when this was read out, us non-attenders need a "post-game" analysis. From what I can tell, the only change is that the dubs now must sign away their medical record privacy rights over to the HLC. I know they have made it a conscience matter regarding certain "blood fractions" but I gather that taking "whole blood" transfusions is still an offense punishable by DFing. Not having been there, I am totally in the dark about the details.

  • wombat

    Kid-A.....Thanks for keeping this alive... if there is no response I will keep it alive...

    We can't be left hanging even if the news is not good.

  • tijkmo

    this is the on the letter..hope this is what you meant.

  • jgnat

    I think the new privacy provision was in the UK only, because of their more stringent laws about accessing medical information.

    Just from memory, the only other significant change is that the meaning of blood fractions is left out, leaving only a reference to a previous article. In other words, they have gone more ambiguous. A JWD member who attended the reading in the US said the letter was read but not posted. If the hearers did not take good notes, they will have nothing to go on.

  • wombat

    Thanks Elsewhere.............

    Gee,,,,,the whole thing was no big deal after all.


  • kid-A

    Its great that the story was posted all over the media and internet, but what I had been naively hoping was that the society was going to make the whole issue of blood a "conscience" issue and therefore open themselves up to lawsuits from families who had lost relatives under the previous dictate. By being as ambiguous as possible, it looks like they have covered their asses on this. I think their legal team is more on the ball then I give them credit for. By leaving things so ambiguous they can turn around and say "well, we never explicitely threatened expulsion if they took a transfusion, it was ultimately their decision to refuse the transfusion...." . We know thats bullshit, but unfortunately I think this defense would hold up in the legal system.

  • tijkmo

    i asked my sister what the letter had to say and she just laughed..

    she said nobody understood it and most had switched off long before it was finished..

    i said yeah its designed that way so you dont actually know if there has been a policy in 10 years time gradually someone will notice that hey we've been allowed to have transfusions(sic) but the org avoids multiple lawsuits by not announcing it upfront.

    what i find so amazing is that jws themselves laugh off the complexity of it all..and dont have a problem not understanding it..when i was a jw i at least knew why i didnt take me if was important enough to be believed it was important enough to understand

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