"The Nephilim (Giants) were on the
earth in those days. And the Sons
of God saw that the daughters of
Men were fair and they took wives
unto themselves and bore children
mighty men, of renoun."
The verse has been a mystery for over 3500 years. There are three theories as to who the "sons of God" were who mated with human women and produced a mutant race of Giants.
note: NEPHILIM (translated "giants" in The KJV) is a Hebrew word that means "race of unknown orgin".
1) The Sons of God were the Descendents of Seth (the third son of Adam and Eve). They mated with the daughters of men (Cain). But why would this produce a race of giants? "mighty men of renoun, of legends?"
2) Some believe that the "Sons of God" were fallen angels (demons) who mated with human women. But demons are spirits? How can a spirit reproduce with a human? Spirits would have NO DNA, physical code for reproduction.
3) The "Sons of God" were Aliens, Extra-terrestrials, who came from another planet and mated with human women. This is possible but then who are The Nephilim?
Now I am going to present a new theory that I believe could be true and solve the mystery of Gen:4:6 and The "Sons of God".
We read in Rev:12:7, that Satan and his demons waged war in heaven and lost. The Devil and his fallen angels were cast to earth as THE NEPHILIM (the race of watchers) and they probably witnessed the creation of mankind.
Now lets say that at the same time of the creation of mankind (on earth) there was a wicked and evil civilization on Mars. A war broke out and then a Comet or Asteroid smashed into Mars and destroyed all life on the red planet.
Just before Comet Impact (on Mars) happened or nuclear weapons were launched, a Group of Alien (Martian) heirarchy, escaped in a Spacecraft. They could have visited Earth in the past and knew that it could support life.
So a large Spaceship (of a technology far more advanced than what we know on earth as of 2005 AD) heads towards Earth as the Martian Apocalypse occurs.
This spaceship could have been as large as six football fields. It could have contained a smaller fleet of single "pilot" reconnisance crafts as well (the small saucer like UFO's that so many people claim to see today). The Crew of the ship could have been The ruling Elite on Mars, possibly a Royal Family along with Military Personal and Pilots, totalling 666 persons.
Now the Pilots of this Martian Spaceship miscalulate, possibly a nuclear blast (magnetic field) on Mars effects their instruments/ flight computers. THE RESULT IS THAT THE MARTIAN SPACESHIP CRASH LANDS IN THE OCEAN, POSSIBLY IN THE PERSIAN GULF AND THE CREW IS KILLED ON IMPACT.
The Winged Disc could the symbol for The Crash of this Spaceship into the sea and possibly for the Comet Planet.
Aboard this spacecraft could have been The Ruling Elite of Mars, a Group of Humanoids, very much like us. As there is one fourth less gravity on Mars, they would have been LARGER than humans to be able to function normally as we do on earth. Human Males would be 7.5 ft to 8.5 ft tall and weight 350-450 lbs, and females at least 7 ft and 300 lbs. They could all have been blond haired, blue eyed Caucasian "humans" just larger and possibly with 6 fingers and 6 toes. (Golaith the Giant also had six fingers and six toes).
Satan and say 665 of his highest and most wicked demons (NEPHILIM) ) Enter Into the dead and dying Martian Alien Bodies (SONS OF GOD) and animate them. Now Satan and his demons can function in human form, well a larger version of the human form. Satan could have repaired any damage to the Martian Spaceship and THE DEVIL IS NOW AIRBORNE, HIGH TECH LUCIFER!
Satan, having caused the Fall of Eve and Adam, was cursed by GOD and turned into a serpent, reptilian form. Yet Satan and his select demons live in the animated Martian/ Alien bodies.
In time, Satan and his demons (NEPHILIM) posing as the (SONS OF GOD) Mate with human women, the "daughters of Men" (Gen:6:4) and create a mutant race of Martian/ Human hybrids, "giants, the men of renoun."
In recent years, we have seen a male tiger mating with a female lion (and vice verse) to produce a GIANT HYBRID, a 900 pound, 12 ft long lion. I BELIEVE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT GEN:6:4 IS TELLING US!!!
If the DNA of Martian and Humans is close enough, a Hybrid Race of HUMAN GIANTS would be produced. They could also be born STERILE, unable to reproduce themselves as we see with a MULE, the mating of a horse with a donkey.
So a race of Violent, Mutant Humans roamed the earth. GOD TOLD NOAH THAT "THE EARTH IS CORRUPT AND FILLED WITH VIOLENCE". The MALE, mutant hybrids could have started to kill off the Human Males as they were their mating "competition".
Its very possible these mutant, Martian/Human Hybrids were psychotic, deranged and capable of the most extreme savagery. Due to a genetic defect, they could have been born ANEMIC, (with a great need for Vitamin B-12) and this drove them to become VAMPIRES, drinkers of human blood and Cannibals, eaters of human flesh
We read in Genesis: 6 that "Noah and His family were perfect in their generations".
Noah and his family tree (from Seth to Enoch to Lamech) did not mate with the "Aryan gods" of Mars and they remained pure "human = perfect."
God called Noah and his three sons to build the ark. The Great Flood came and destroyed this mutant human/martian race along with the "children of Cain" who formed an alliance with the "Aliens" from Mars.
When The Flood came, Satan and His demons (in martian bodies) escaped the earth in their spaceships. AFTER THE FLOOD, Satan and his demons returned as the GODS FROM THE STARS and deceived the peoples of ancient Sumer.
It is very possible that in the flood, Satan lost his "mothership" and The Host of DEMONS that inhabited the Martian Corpses. SATAN COULD BE REDUCED TO A FEW SMALLER UFO CRAFTS and a secondary group of demons inhabiting the remaining Martian bodies.
This is exactly what we read of in The Book of Jude (New testament), an excerpt from The Book of Enoch
5) "And the angels who kept not
first estate, and left their
Habitation, to go after strange
flesh. So GOD placed them in chains
in the abyss, awaiting everlasting
Judgment to come in the last day."
Fallen angels, hijacking Alien Technology, animating Martian Bodies and mating with human beings is simply JUDE/ENOCH updated for us today, for 2005 AD. The True Meaning of what happened in Gen:6:4.
My theory (above) explains the stories and legends of Ancient Sumer, of "the gods coming to them in flying ships, traversing the heavens, THE GODS WHO CAME FROM HEAVEN TO EARTH." This explains the ancient drawing and statues of WINGED GLOBES, FLYING DISCS; of WINGED EAGLEMEN, ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS and CHARIOTS OF THE GODS
Many people claim to have contact with Extra-terrestrials speak of meeting The "NORDICS", tall humanoid beings with blond hair and the brightest of blue eyes. Little do they realize they are looking at Martian Bodies, animated by demons, wicked fallen angels!!!
Satan and his demons created the Ancient, Sumerian Panethon of the "12" gods, ANU, ENKI- ENLIL-- NANNAR--- later to become The Pantheon of Egypt, RA - HORUS -- OSIRIUS... (Greece) ZEUS - POSIDEON, APOLLO...(Roman) JUPITER -- MARS-- NEPTUNE to each proceeding pagan culture.
One FEMALE MARTIAN BODY BECAME INANNA, ISHTAR, ISIS, APHRODITE, VENUS... the Warrior Goddess of the ancient world. If these ET'S are DEMONS in Alien Bodies, they also possess the ability to appear in Spiritual Form to Mankind and to change their appearance as well, "shapeshifting".
God, in the Old Testament, warns Israel,
"Do not sacrifice your children to the gods of the pagan nations for they sacrifice to demons." (Deut:32:17, Lev:17:7, Ps:106:37).
The gods of the Ancient world were DEMONS, fallen angels, in possession of Alien (Martian) Technology and Bodies that is. Through human sacrifice unto them, they could drink the blood and eat the flesh of the children of the deceived nations.
Satan and demons living for the last 6000 years in Alien Bodies is very possible, especially if these Martian Extra-terrestrials had discovered how to STOP the aging process, possibly thru gene therapy or a drug that prevents activation of the "mystical" aging process. Our earth scientsist still cannot discover why around the age of 23 years of age, human aging kicks in and we slowly but surely age, weaken and die.
Satan can also keep these Martian/ Alien bodies "on ice", buried in Antarctica and only use them when the need arrives.
2 THES:2:10-12
"For God will send a strong
Delusion to come upon the world
That those who hate the truth will
Follow the lie and damn themselves."
It is possible that Antichrist himself may come to earth in one these hijacked Alien Spacecrafts?
However Antichrist comes, he will present himself as the new "messiah". He will teach the world his Religion of Sex & Sacrament "as one" with an Extra-terrestrial Spin that makes Lucifer the good god and savior and YHWH GOD (of the Bible) out to be the wicked, evil one.
Antichrist, as World Teacher, will unite the religions and the faiths of the world as one, convert the Vatican and Protestant Churches to The CHURCH OF SATAN and prepare the world for the coming of the "Space brothers".
Antichrist will teach that these "masters" have come to create the "New Humanity". Select human women will be chosen to have sex with these Alien "supermen" to give birth to the new mankind.
Antichrist will have sold the world that Reincarnation and Karma (Buddhic/ Hindu concepts) are the Ancient Truths. He will then promise humanity that when people die, they will be REBORN as aryan super infants via the human womb. They will be told their superbodes will never age or get sick and they will live as "gods" for a thousand years.
In reality, every infant born to these Alien/human hybrids will not have a human soul, but the SOUL of an Ancient Demon! Remember back in the Days of Noah, The Alien/Human hybrid race was destroyed in The Great Flood. But their souls, being neither human or martian were doomed to roam the earth and they became the DEMONS that JESUS exorcized from possessed people.
Satan will use the human womb to bring these ancient demons back to walk the earth in human-hybrid form.
Eventually about 100,000 ALIEN -HUMAN HYBRIDS (inhabited by the Souls of Demons) would reach adulthood and wage war against the human race. Armed with high tech weapons, they can go from city to city and destroy humanity. Possibly they will nuke whole nations or kill off millions with a new plague.
Select humans will be Enslaved for FOOD (blood & flesh) and entertainment (from sex slaves to gladiatorial games).
And the Host of Demons, Fallen Angels, in new Human/Hybrid (Martian bodies) will fill the earth and worship SATAN - LUCIFER as THE SERPENT GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.
One day in the near future, JESUS will take His Faithful Followers in The First of Two Rapture Events. (Matt:24:40/Lu:21:36/Rev:3:10)
Then the STRONG DELUSION will start when Antichrist is revealed, followed by the arrival of Satan and his "Aryan" super gods (i.e Demons)
Then on Day 1260, The TRUMPET WILL SOUND and The Resurrection happens (1 Thes:4:16)
All of the Christians on planet earth, both the "dead in Christ" and those who are "alive and remain" (survivors) will be CAUGHT UP into Heaven in the Second Rapture Event. (Rev:14).
Then God will pour out His Wrath upon a world that follows Satan and His demons (666) and kills Christians for them. (Rev:16).
Finally, JESUS returns to fight and destroy Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon and Save Israel (Rev:19).
Satan will be bound for 1000 years, his spaceships destroyed and JESUS will rule the world from Jerusalem for the 1000 years. (Rev:20).
I believe this is the true meaning of Gen:6:4 and the Plan of Satan, hijacking Martian technology and corpses and and presenting his demons as the "space brothers" and creators of a new humanity.
Many people from all walks of life have already been deceived by Satan's counterfit "Kingdom of God" on earth and promise of the "new humanity".
I will leave you with JESUS'
Warning To Us All
"Watch and be ready, for the
Son of Man comes in a day and hour
when you do not expect." (Matt:24:44)
A hypothetical "ride" in Satan's Spaceship.
by Franz 25 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, are you ever batshit fucking crazy.
The interesting thing about UFO history is that it goes back in written history before there were even airplanes or a USA.Recorded reports were left all over the civilized World of UFOs, and also slaughtered cattle parts and other unusual things falling from the sky.Whatever they are, their presence has nothing to do with modern research, or space flight by humans.
Satan can also keep these Martian/ Alien bodies "on ice", buried in Antarctica and only use them when the need arrives.
That's it. We gotta nuke Antarctica. I always knew there was something funny about that rogue continent. We gotta nip this thing in the bud.
No, the really interesting thing about UFO "history" is how it's so ridiculously far-fetched that only wingnuts take it halfway seriously.
Franz, did you ever think about becoming a SCI-FI writer??? I think this would go over great in that kind of medium!
You know, I'm starting to like this guy!