This statement has really good potential as a "catch-all" phrase. It is a useful palliative and "anti-inflammatory"; it's general but agreeable vagueness is magnificent.
It doesn't mean: I agree with you
It doesn’t mean: I disagree with you
It doesn’t mean: I will be at the next meeting
It doesn’t mean: I will not be at the next meeting
It doesn’t mean: I will see you at Memorial
It doesn’t mean: I will not see you at Memorial
It doesn’t mean: I am a JW
It doesn’t mean: I quit the JW's
It doesn’t mean: I will be going out in FS
It doesn’t mean: I will not go out in FS
It doesn’t mean: you are right, Brooklyn is right
It doesn’t mean: Brooklyn screwed up again and couldn't prophesy their way out of an open paper bag
But yet you still seem to believe in Big-J; or do you?
It is a no-answer answer!!!
Use it when "... on advise of counsel ..."
my lawyer will send you a list of questions and your answer is to be in writing
"I want that in writing "
is too obvious and problematical.
It is an acceptable answer to any JW question including your phone number or the JW's age, IQ or number of friends before his dog died.
Get together in groups or role playing sessions and practice using this response. Drill, drill and drill until this is a total "knee-jerk" response to any sudden and unexpected contact with a JW.
This answer will serve you well when you are bushwhacked by a pesky Bro. NosyasHell or two eLDER's.
Just keep repeating it and they cannot trip you up; you don't give them anything.
After you have used the WOJ routine a few times, you could tell Bro. NosyasHell how bad off you are in financial way; then hit him up for a loan. Rest assured Bro. NosyasHell is now history to you.
Just remember: "let your yes mean yes and your no mean no" but your WOJ means ???? TBD ????
Actually, "the answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind".