I am a teenage lad BTW... i was shocked to read that witnesses teach that unless a woman doesn't shout out and make it clear they dont feel like being raped today, that they basically consented to it. HOW STUPID IS THAT? i know someone who was raped and she said she went numb, and couldn't move or anything. Like she was sat away and watching as someone else. Firstly, i don't like a religion to have such a strong view on something to get it so wrong. Women, JW's or not. I am sorry!
Jw's and rape
by KW13 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
The JW stand on this has softened over the years. Still the first thing that comes to a JW mind when they hear of a bro or sis being raped is "did they scream?"
The fact they ever said this proves they have poison teachings.
To ever say a raped person is somehow to blame is evil.
The WTS does leave a little wiggle room on that now.
w03 2/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***In understanding the application of Deuteronomy 22:23-27, we must realize that this brief account does not cover all possible situations. For example, it does not comment on the situation where the attacked woman cannot scream because she is mute, unconscious, or paralyzed with fear or is forcibly prevented from screaming by a hand or tape over her mouth. However, since Jehovah is able to weigh all factors, including motives, he deals with understanding and justice in such cases, for "all his ways are justice." (Deuteronomy 32:4) He is aware of what actually took place and of the efforts the victim put forth to fight off her attacker. Therefore, a victim who was unable to scream but otherwise did all she could under the circumstances can leave matters in Jehovah’s hands.—Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7.
Even so, some Christian women who have been attacked and violated are incessantly pained by feelings of guilt. In hindsight, they feel that they should have done more to prevent the incident from happening. However, instead of blaming themselves, such victims can pray to Jehovah, ask for his help, and have confidence in his abundant loving-kindness.—Exodus 34:6; Psalm 86:5.
wow...seems they read the critics then patch the quilt. still, they are sick for their original thoughts. thanks for the quote blondie! :)
Lady Lee
The WTS has flip flopped on this issue many times. But yes they do believe that the woman should scream.
BTW Your friend's reaction in going numb is an extremely common reaction. It is called the "play dead" response and is an innate reaction to extreme danger and in the same class of reactions as the "flight or fight" response. If the person cannot fight back or flee the danger the play dead response kicks in.
ALL mammals have this response.
wrong isnt it! Rape surely means without consent, and therefore the need to scream isn't the issue...then we get it dealt within the organization and then the need for two or more witnesses.
Notice the assumption that only women are raped too. Also the Deuteronomy accounts do not indicate that there has to be anyone there to hear the screams. It is a sick, sick organization that lives by the Law in spite of their protestations to the contrary.
Oh of course, forgive me. Its a rising thing too of women hitting their husbands and more. Women aren't a weaker vessel or anything. If i came across as thinking different i am sorry!
It is a silly thing to demand because a woman may have a knife on her throat or was otherwise intimidated not to scream and thus call for help and risk the rapist getting caught. No doubt keeping the victim silent is a rapist's primary concern.
So calling for help is not an issue, or do they expect the woman to scream and risk getting killed? -
hehe, if the Governing body can't picture them in the situation, they ask the resident monkey.