Totaly turned me tacticaly against truth
Ever Notice This About The Bible?
by Undecided 18 Replies latest jw friends
70 is 70. This is the first year that I have really felt my age. It finally caught up to me. I'm still healthy, at least I think so. My mind is the main concern for me right now. I can't remember the names of people, things, and words sometimes when I'm talking. Sometimes I can't remember where towns are located that I remember the names of that I have been to 30 or 40 years ago. After I think about it awhile I can uaually remember though.
I would like to run, jump, climb like I did when I was young. I guess I should be glad to feel as good as I do. Most people guess I'm in my 50s.
Ken P.
Happy Birthday, Ken!! You must be holding up good if you are being mistaken for 50-ish.
I think you are running a very flawed comparison. For example, you searched only for "love", but not loving, kind/ness, mercy/merciful, compassion, or forgive/ness, etc.
Also, the context is not taken into account. Take a look at how many negative words are in this verse:
PR 8:13 To fear the LORD is to hate evil;
I hate pride and arrogance,
evil behavior and perverse speech.But what is the point? Would it better to write that he loved pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech? There are 8 negative terms in that verse, but the verse is not about being hateful per se.
Anyway, I tried to roughly count up various common terms and this is what I got, roughly (and without a context, btw, so these are also not very reliable either)
Wrath 175
Anger/angry 325
Hate/hated/hatred 100
Destroy 180
Wipe out 8
Kill/killed 320Roughly, 1100 or so
Kind/kindness/kindly 130
Compassion 60
Mercy/merciful 120
Love/loving/loved 400
Forgive/forgiveness/forgiven 100
Live/living 375Roughly, 1285 or so
But, like I say, these include just the phrases you see above; there are other words you could add in for both sides, but I think you'd still get something quite even. Context makes all the difference, not numbers alone. But at any rate, it seems clear that there isn't the 'obvious' evidence of God being more 'hateful' than caring. The words with positive meanings are at least equal, anyway, if not higher.
Since God made the world and according to the bible every human that has died from old age and disease was because he decreed it, if that's true, it makes me wonder just how loving is he really? As for myself, I have had a good life and would really like to thank whatever or whoever is responsibile. I just wish I had the truth of the universe that I could believe in, without it being some imagined God based on a human book that hasn't been proven true after thousands of years.
Ken P.
Since God made the world and according to the bible every human that has died from old age and disease was because he decreed it, if that's true, it makes me wonder just how loving is he really?
My mom died 3 weeks ago today, only at age 64. Someone sent my dad something written by Benjamin Franklin, which I cannot find now on the web after 10 minutes of trying, wherein he stated that we occasionally must lose a tooth or a limb due to disease, and though the part is cast away the person lives on. In death, the whole of the body is finally cast off, and frees the spirit at last. Would you prefer to live on forever chained to an aging body?
It is extremely painful from a survivor's point of view, but if it's necessary to endure the pain in order to have what is better, I cannot begrudge this process even for my mom.
If the teachings of the WTS concerning death were true, I think I'd be more inclined to agree with you about the unfairness. But I don't have that in my background. Death is not an end; it is now a door. As such, it isn't necessarily unloving at all.
Death is not an end; it is now a door. As such, it isn't necessarily unloving at all.
I sure hope you are right on this but I just have a hard time accepting such a concept. Neither of us can prove either way.
Ken P.
Ken, the thing I worry about losing my memory is being able to remember all my lies. The only thing I can hope for at this point is that my wife loses her memory a few days before I lose mine. She is losing her hearing now. If she had always been this deaf, I wouldn't have needed many of those lies I'm worrying about remembering.
That's been one disadvantage about being . . . creative. The creativity has had it's own peak and that peak has been accepted as the standard. Now, I do fear that if I start to tell the truth she will think I'm lying and I won't know the difference:-) -
ken, if you're still here, you have a pm.
That link that that ohioguy provided (skepticsannotatedbible or whatever) is extremely pathetic. I have seen that site before and it's obvious that the person/people behind that site haven't done as much research as they'd like people to think. Sure, listing off random cruel things from the Bible... anyone do that. The person who made it took very little time to figure out the background of any of these issues. Even in the first verse they cited I can find a mistake:
" "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. Genesis 1:31 "
Are these people nuts? That's not how it was DESIGNED! It became that way AFTER THE FALL. This is just one of many errors and one of many issues that they barely look into. I mean, that is common sense. Anyone who has basic reading skills can figure out that the fall had not yet occured at Genesis 1:31. The whole site is full of stuff like this. That just so happens to be the example from the VERY FIRST verse they listed.