I guess I know it was to be expected, but I thought I was making headway with my ex. It seemed we were at the begining of being able to talk about things, especially the witnesses and Bible. I had offered to show her from the Bible some points and even her own literature (WTS) so we could discuss it further. Now this morning when I saw her, she has suddenly closed her mind, and kept saying she was happy and thats it she doesnt want to talk about it anymore. I asked her if her being happy was good enough and wasnt it what God wanted that matters most and pointed out that that is the message the WTS gives to 'worldly' people, and even asks them to examine their own religeon, so why wont she? All I got in reply was that she doesn't go round asking that of people!
by cyberdyne systems 101 10 Replies latest jw friends
Same with my mum, in my head i pictured sitting down with a cup of tea and looking at the facts both from their books and all the other sources. Mum said she would give me her evidence for the date 607 but wouldn't look at mine as she didn't need to. Thing is, at first we were talking and seemed like we were making progress. It went wrong :( My stepdad asked me to open the Encyclopedia Britannica to prove the 607 date, and when it said 586, they were both denying it was accurate. If that and other sources had said 607 i would of quit and been happy to admit defeat. Somehow they look past solid evidence and it does get frustrating, since you can see them dedicating to a cause, thinking this is what God wants and in 30 or more years thinking...oh no i've wasted my life.
Those guys in Brooklyn really know how to mind condition their members so as not to be able to open their hearts and look objectively at facts pertaining to the WTS. But soner or later it happens with a large portion of the JWs they open their eyes and see, it's not the devil trying to take them away from the mother org but it is the truth.
oh i agree, i think she might be shown by someone else or just wonder what i was on about and look herself. The brainwashing must be there, there is no room for personal feelings or thoughts (considered dangerous) and there is proof of that. Why else would two different people respond the same way?
Well you gave her something to think about!
I had the same problem with my then JW wife. She refused to look at any evidence other than the WT's explanations. She almost opened up when I showed her the following scripture. But then.... her WT trained mind blinded her to truth.
2 Thess 2:11-12 For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe what is false, so that all will be condemned—those who did not believe the truth but enjoyed unrighteousness
cyberdyne systems 101
I've been out, just got back, but its good to hear of similar experiences of the sheer frustration of the mind control. One point is certainly true, we may have given them something to think about.
One other thing that occurs to me is that it shows how far we have come from that mindset, I can remember being the same way afterall!
... since you've been there, you know what her thoughts are. You know how long and what it takes to turn them around. I don't think it's a fast process for anybody, I'd say it was ten years for me.
cyberdyne systems 101
Thx for the Birthday mention!!! I'm 35 today.
C S 101
she was probably talked to by an elder and that's why the sudden change.