Assembly Time is Near! Were you always a good Dub when you went?

by MinisterAmos 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joelbear

    i viewed assemblies as an intrusion into my life. i spent most of the day trying to avoid being in my seat, instead trying to make plans for after the assembly.

    they are pure torture, repetitive, repetitive.

    why don't they actually try to teach something, show how to actually apply something useful to people's lives.

  • Buster

    Were you always a good Dub when you went?

    Hell, no. There were a lot of boys in my hall and we used to get into some stuff.

    One summer at a DC in a Dog Race track in Taunton, MA, we found that the liquor store across the street would sell beer to the oldest-looking one of us. So we bought beer and brought it back into the assembly. We were working and had passes to all the back rooms and the like. We congregated in the underground walkway that the cashiers use to access the betting booths. We sat under there and drank ourselves silly.

    One time, at the same DC, we took the beer and drank it beside the road at the edge of a field. Some local kids took exception (we littered). We flipped them off and chased them. They got some other friends and as we were walking back to the track, they did some dangerously close swipes by us with their car. They also flashed some knives. Actually, we stood up to them.

    That was bit intense for my 15-yr-old suburban self - good little JW boys that we were.

  • KW13

    Personally i was ok at the assembley, always behaved :D though sometimes a game of tag was necessary.

  • KW13

    Personally i was ok at the assembly, always behaved :D though sometimes a game of tag was necessary.

  • serendipity

    I was good, and boring and bored.

    Last year, though, I blew off the last day of the DC and stayed home. I wasn't going to sit through that fake Timothy drama. Besides, someone posted DC notes on some DB, so I knew what I missed.

  • liquidsky

    I was a good girl at at the asemblies. But were sooooo damn boring! I'm so glad I don't go anymore.

  • cyd0099

    My backside and my back was always in pain from the benches at the Tacoma Dome. I voluntered as an attendant just so i could walk around with being questioned or reprimanded. I learned how to walk like I had somewhere to be, all the while I was scoping the sisters. After a while I didn't even need to sign up for attendant duty, people assumed by my demeanor I had a reason to be where I was.

  • Gregor

    My first assembly was at Cedar Point Ohio and I was about 3 mos. old.

    When I was 14, I remember one boring afternoon session sitting on those metal folding chairs in a non-air conditioned county fairgrounds building. I was was next to my buddy, Wayne. I don't know who had found it but one of us came across the account of Aholah and Aholibah, the whores, in Ezekiel 23. This chapter could be used as a script for a porn film. (If you've never read it (King James is best) you will be surprised at the explicit sexual content.) We both had out bibles opened and would point out passages to one another and pass notes back and forth. The cool thing was that anyone observing would think we must be really good, theocratic boys to be so engrossed in the bible.

    As soon as I was old enough I volunteered for food service, etc. Me and my buddies knew that this was the perfect escape from wearing a tie and sitting through endless hours of talks. We also worked with cute girls and got free food.

  • silentWatcher

    This chapter could be used as a script for a porn film. (If you've never read it (King James is best) you will be surprised at the explicit sexual content

    maybe I've seen too much, but I'd give it a PG-13 TOPS. Having trouble visualizing what "doting" means.

    -silent (of the seen WAY, WAY, WAY too much class)

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