FROM DESK OF C.O: We'll just call it "research" instead of snooping.

by stillAwitness 16 Replies latest social humour

  • stillAwitness

    August 12, 2005

    Dear Brother_________

    Thank you for the questionnaire you submitted for the subsitute circuit work. We are pleased to inform you that you have been appointed as a subsitute circuit overseer. Your circuit overseer will be contacting you to schedule two weeks of training. These two weeks do not have to run consecutively...

    During the first week of training, which could be done during the next visit to your congregation, closely observe how the circuit overseer cares for his the end of the week (the second one) you will fill out the report on the congregation under his direction. You may obtain these forms from the circuit overseer. It is important to complete these forms accurately as they help convey the spiritual condition of the congregation...

    Feel free to ask questions regarding your reponsibilities when subsituting in the circuit work...Humbly accept and readily apply any counsel that he may offer you.

    Since you are married your wife should accompany you when you are serving a congregation if possible...Assure her that the Branch Office does not expect her to solve problems. This may ease her mind, knowing that her role is to pioneer with the congregation as she does in your congregation. If questions or problems should arise, these should be directed to you.

    Likely you will incur transportation expenses during your visit to a congregation. These expenses may be submitted for reimbursement to the body of elders if they request them. If the congregation does not offer to reimburse you for these expenses you may submit them to the Branch Office.

    You should not request reimbursement for expenses related to health care, auto expenses and so forth. Such expenses do not usually result from serving congregations as a subsitute circuit overseer. If you serve for an extended period of time your secular work may be understandably reduced.

    If so moderate personal expenses such as your food, dry cleaning, shoe repair, toothpaste, condoms (JUST KIDDING! ) haircuts and so forth may be submitterd to the congregation if the elders request them.

    If you tranfer to another congregation or your address or telephone number changes be sure to notify the Branch Office immedietly...We depend on this information to contact you on short notice...

    ...As a reminder , your appointment to serve as a subsitute circuit overseer is not an indication that you will be appointeed as a regular circuit overseer. Please keep this in mind as you make plans for the future.

    May Jehovah bless your BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...our warmest Christian love...YADI, YADI, YA

    Your brothers,

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Wittnesses

  • kid-A

    As a reminder , your appointment to serve as a subsitute circuit overseer is not an indication that you will be appointeed as a regular circuit overseer. Please keep this in mind as you make plans for the future.

    Damn, just when he thought all his ass-kissing was finally going to pay off !!! LOL

  • IP_SEC

    Now you've done it stilla. they are going to figure out which sub this is and pound his ass for leaving docs out for a sister to see.

  • stillAwitness

    IP SEC they are going to figure out which sub this is and pound his ass for leaving docs out for a sister to see

    LOL! I doubt that. I'm sure all the letters are the same except for the date and name they put down on it.

  • Think

    Hello Sweetheart, see your PM ?

  • tijkmo
    As a reminder , your appointment to serve as a subsitute circuit overseer is not an indication that you will be appointeed as a regular circuit overseer. Please keep this in mind as you make plans for the future.

    i always thought this was a tougher assignment than actual circuit work..often on the monday which c.o.s have off the substitute had to cram in all his work for the week...and with no guarantee they were gonna get to go on permanently

    the chairman on my judicial commitee was a substitute c.o....i had a plan that once i was reinstated i would help him do his windows on a monday when he had a circuit visit to do so he didnt have to worry about it...but he refused to reinstate me and when he eventually had to due to another congregations insistance he never spoke to me again so i never got to tell him..

    oh well his loss


  • IronClaw
    If so moderate personal expenses such as your food, dry cleaning, shoe repair, toothpaste, haircuts and so forth may be submitterd to the congregation if the elders request them.

    Lets see:

    • Free food
    • Free dry cleaning
    • Free shoe repair
    • Toothpaste
    • Haircuts ( Whats that? )

    Damn, I should have stayed in the Borg. Look at all those perks, WOW not to mention:

    • Free room and board
    • Have all the kiss asses come see ya at the congo
    • Get to meet all the hot sisters ( for future reference in case things go sour )
    • Get treated like some God or something
    • Get to belittle the brothers you hate

    Im sure I forgot a few, but you get the picture

  • KW13

    lol, you drop through the ceiling and take out people to see this stuff? I never got near this when i was at the hall :frowning:

  • Spectre

    Cue in the Mission Impossible theme song.

  • KW13

    da da daaa, da da daaaa, da da daaaa, da da.


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