Letter From Society about UN
by skyman 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
So does that mean that JW's can join the YMCA for the sole purpose of using the pool, since using the pool in no way conflicts with their bible based dogma?????????
Not according to them. They revised the letter in later versions. Here's the cookie cutter I got from them.
So, they now say because it was a government it was okay. Basically, they teach that Christendom is marked as a spiritual adultery for committing fornication with governments so you can't have anything to do with Christendom without being an apostate, BUT they can commit fornication with governments and not become part of Christendom.
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? I need aspirin.
AuldSoul -
So, they now say because it was a government it was okay. Basically, they teach that Christendom is marked as a spiritual adultery for committing fornication with governments so you can't have anything to do with Christendom without being an apostate, BUT they can commit fornication with governments and not become part of Christendom.
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? I need aspirin.
AuldsoulThey have an answer to everything, don't they. I think I need something more stronger than aspirin.
That little notation at the bottom...for a "balanced view", etc....one has to wonder are all the OTHER PRIOR VIEWS PRESENTED IN THE LIFESAVING WTS LITERATURE then to be seen as LIES? Inaccurate? Faulty? Presumptuous? Arrogant? WRONG?
From MY "balanced viewpoint" I can safely say "WHAT a steaming pile of pure crap that letter was."
*** Watchtower November 15, 2001 p.19 ***
[Scan available!]'No Calamity Will Befall Us'
14 Anointed Christians are like alien residents living in tents apart from this system of things. Not even a plague draws near their tent. Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, we are no part of the world, and we are not infected by such spiritually deadly plagues as its immorality, materialism, false religion and worship of the 'wild beast' and it's 'image', the United Nations.
*** Watchtower 1991 June 1 p.19 Their Refuge—A Lie! ***
[for the complete Watchtower article, with its detailed explanation of the United Nations standing together with Christendom against God's will, see next quote]20 Christendom rested her hopes in the League of Nations, but it was overturned even without the coming of Armageddon. Now she has transferred her allegiance to the United Nations. But it will soon have to face "the war of the great day of God the Almighty," and it will not survive. (Revelation 16:14) Even a revived UN can never bring peace and security. God's prophetic Word shows that the United Nations organization with its member nations "will battle with the Lamb [Christ in Kingdom power], but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them."—Revelation 17:14.
*** NEW GENESIS: Shaping a Global Spirituality ***
*** Chapter 6: Prayer and Meditation at the United Nations page 45+following***
by Robert MullerScans Available (from 1984 Edition): Title Page (20kb); Copyright Page (48kb); Page 45 (90kb).
Prayer, meditation and spirituality at the UN are fascinating subjects. All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations. For example, no less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN.
w72 11/1 pp. 655-656 Divine Rulership—Are We for It or Against It? ***10
By faith our ears can hear, since 1914 C.E., the voices in heaven loudly saying the words recorded in the last book of the Bible: "The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever." (Rev. 11:15) That "kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ" does not mean Christendom—absolutely not! It means the heavenly royal government of the Messiah or Christ who has been anointed by the Lord God Jehovah to act for Him in ruling all peoples of the earth. According to her religious name, Christendom should be for that Messianic kingdom of God, but is she? After the end of the Gentile Times in 1914, did Christendom fight for that Messianic kingdom of the heavens, or was it for world domination by human rulership? Look at the League of Nations and the present-day United Nations, both of which Christendom introduced and promoted and keeps going today. Do those organizations stand for divine rulership by means of the Messianic kingdom of the heavens or stand for human rulership? What do the more than half of the members of the United Nations that do not profess to be Christian nations say in answer? They say: ‘No! The United Nations organization does not stand for divine rulership by means of a heavenly Messianic kingdom! It stands for human rulership of all the earth. We humans are going to rule it by our self-chosen forms of government.’ Logically, then, Christendom, by belonging to the United Nations, is for human (not divine) rulership.
So how has Christendom's churches "prostituted themselves" with the "wild beast" - the United Nations? They registered as Non-Government Organizations. Just as the Jehovah's Witnesses did.
How times have changed:
w59 3/1 p. 144 Warnings of Jehovah’s Unusual Work ***However, even under international hatred and persecution, Jehovah’s witnesses have not been panicked into the United Nations. In 1918-1919 they put faith in Jehovah’s thoroughly tried and precious Stone in Zion. They refused to worship the League of Nations but declared its doom. Now we refuse to worship and trust in the United Nations, and we likewise declare its coming doom.
w60 4/15 pp. 241-242 Universal Disarmament by the Kingdom of Heaven ***Christendom is not the visible organization of Jehovah God, even though she does take the name of his Son Jesus Christ and claims to be in the new covenant with Jehovah God. The facts show that she is in the covenant of the United Nations.
w61 10/15 p. 624 When All Nations Unite Under God’s Kingdom ***They do not appreciate that by being bound together in the United Nations they are united against God and his kingdom by Christ. They do not believe that the "appointed times of the nations" ran out in 1914 and that it is time to make way for the kingdom of God to take full, undisputed, unhindered control of all the earth. They do not discern that by their own opposition against God’s kingdom he is forcing them into a unity in which they will be slaughtered in the "war of the great day of God the Almighty."
they have 2 answers for everything.
1 - it's okay for US to do it, but not for you.
2 - if you can't find an answer to a question, be patient. do not run ahead of the "celestial" chariot.
it's disturbing that they can explain anything away so trivially, but they won't think twice about exacting unfair judgement on others.
by the way, thanks skyman and auld soul for posting the letters. quite an eye opener.
Nothing surprises me about the wts anymore. I could find out that they have a secret ogranization that offs people and i wouldn't be shocked at all.