Hi everyone, sorry I've not been here for ages..............
Anyways, lately our house has been fetting quite a few knocks on the door by a JW who lives on my street. Sometimes he's alone, sometimes he's accompanied, but the odd thing is is that before we could go months without a visit from the WT's foot soldiers, and now lately we've been getting visits once or twice a week. If we realise it's them we don't answer the door, but every now and then we get caught off guard and have to explain nicely that we're busy and not really interested. Still, they keep giving us little pamphlets or copies of "awake" and "wt" and whatever so I was wondering, what with the seemingly increased frequency of visits have the JW's been told to increase their door to door activities and/or literature distribution, or is it a case of this guy taking more of an interest in recruiting the neighbourhood?
ps big shout out to all the people i got freindly with on this site, sorry it's been a long time.