I have some genuine questions for you PMJ which I hope you will take the time to answer;
I was brought up as a witness and left over a decade ago; I have always struggled with these points and hope you can provide an explanation.
- The main answer to the questions in relation to wickedness being permitted is that Jehovah is proving Satan to be a liar (in other words to prove a point). Do you accept that this is the case?
- If so why should Jehovah (the god of all armies) have to prove any point to someone (Satan) whose opinion shouldnt matter?
- Why should Jehovah have to sacrifice his son because of the actions of a so called rebellious spirit?
- Wouldnt the most loving thing to do (if this explanation has any truth in it) be to destroy Satan earlier and therefore dispense with the need for a ransom sacrifice?
- When would it be loving for a father to subject his creation (children) to wickedness (as opposed to perfection) when he had a choice in the matter, just to prove a point?
- If Jehovah was so sure of the outcome why would he even entertain Satans' challenge?
- Do you think Jehovah doubted his own creation in this case?
- You have said that God will soon destroy all wicked people...define wicked?
- Why must all non JWs be destroyed? Surely JWs are not the only good god fearing people on earth? (and to be honest most of those JWs arent either)
You see if we believe all we are led to believe in relation to why God permits wickedness this does open up a whole spectrum of questions and not one of them has been answered by a Jehovahs Witness to any suitable degree.
Hope you can help