I have absolutely NO confidence that a viable substitute will be found in the next 2-3 years that will be licensed. I'm sorry but that information I see so far (such as above) confirms my fears and my only hope seems to be trying to get this WTS to keep changing its "light".
Hemopure and its Canadian rival aren't even close to "whole blood". They are trying to closely match red blood cells and that is it. Its Canadian rival was told by the FDA to go back and start again according to the above-noted press reports.
I absolutely agree with you that "some" in the WTS are praying for a break through. And according to Maximus have even invested in this Biopure company. I wonder if that is the real reason for hemoglobin being okay in 2000 but not in 1998.
I will get back to you on this one. Your views are at variance with information that I have been given by a hematologist working at the cutting edge of blood research with no ax to grind over the situation.
Give me a few days.
Best regards - HS
PS - If I do not post within the next four or five days can you remind me, as I have an avalanche of work piling up. This Board has given me a severe case of 'screen-sickness' - symptoms; an inordinate desire to interact with people who's eyes one cannot see ( apart from YK's one eye of course ) - results; bankruptcy!
Two things - whole blood and the getting it "licensed". WRT to red blood cells subsitutes. I'm not sure if they will be there or not depending on what country will be doing the licensing.
Thanks for looking into this for me - I appreciate your input. Please take your time and look forward to your response later this week or next.
I will also be contacting the reporter at TheStreet.com over this issue shortly.