how about that my first topic generation and my first oops a ...anyway, on another thread this subject came up and got me to wondering; who do you think will be saved at armegeddon? on the other thread diamondblue1974 asked "why must all non jws be destroyed? surely jws are not the only good god fearing people on earth? (and to be honest most of those jws aren't either)" beep,beep's answer is the one that i would think we all could agree on(no matter which group you identify with on this board). his answer, "who will be destroyed and who will not isn't ours to call. i'm glad it's not up to me." this is how i've always thought about it because i have told many people to "go to hell" and so far none of them have, that i know of. hellrider seems to disagree, or at least doubt the veracity of beep,beep's answer. so i was wondering does anyone else have any thoughts on this? my answer other than the one above is ,me and my sweetie, and the rest of you will have to fend for yourselves, but then that isn't a real threat to anyone is it?
who will survive...
by just2sheep 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Me and everyone else in the world as we know it today. There is not going to be any Armageddon the whole Bible is just a story book not to be taken literally.
I heard some of my favorite bands will be playing at Armageddon. Slipknot promised to play the Heretic Anthem, so I am stoked.
hellrider seems to disagree, or at least doubt the veracity of beep,beep's answer.
What I wrote was in response to beep,beeps attempt at giving the pr-friendly version of "the truth". Within the congregation, within the community of the JWs, the WTS is very clear on this: According to them, you have to be a JW to have any chance of surviving Armageddon (after all, what would be the purpose of getting baptised, go door-to-door etc, if not). But then again, they also have this pr-friendly version which they resort to, when confronted with the inhumane aspect of this: The fact that, according to the real JW-doctrine on this, 5994 million people, including small children, have no chance of surviving the big A. On the other hand, the "pr-friendly version" might be of use to the individual JWs too, especially those who still have a heart, and this is its second purpose. Ask any mother, if she truly would believe that Jehovah would kill small children. When confronted with that, they will say "no", and truly believe it. Unlike Fred Frantz, who once said "little nitwits grow up to be big nitwits". This dual version of the "truth" is actually a quite ingenious little brainwashing-tool. The "hard version" ensures faithful, active publishers and recruiters, while the "soft version" (yeah, really soft, ha ha) works as a tool both for PR-purposes,as well as for the more "soft-hearted" JWs consciense. Because there are a few like that, although they usually become harder over the years (as cult-life, waiting for Armageddon,all the disappointments, being stuck in the bad marriage you entered as 18, a year or so after your baptism, etc, starts taking its toll)
Personally, I believe that it is all just a load of BS, of course. "Armageddon" is not "judgement day" at all, at least not in the sense the JWs (but also the rest of christianity, I suppose) have interpreted it.
I used to think about this question a lot, nowadays I don't worry about it. I think its a jw fairytale, like the new system. Lets face it, they've been wrong on just about everything else, so why would anyone believe their armageddon theories?
who do you think will be saved at armegeddon?
There's going to be a difficult "test" which the entire human race will undergo that will determine who will survive Armageddon. The Bible says that after the 8th King arrives, every adult in the world will face the "test" of being put under compulsion to accept the "mark" (meaning the person accepts the 8th King as being supreme sovereign; or having more authority than God himself). Only those who refuse to support the 8th King (one-world government) will survive Armageggon. All others will have accepted the symbolic "mark" (the number "666" or the name "Babylon the Great"). The choice will be ours to make, not God's. If we accept the mark, we will have condemned ourselves to death at Armageddon.
So, it will be the above mentioned "test" and that alone that will determine who lives and who dies.
So, it will be the above mentioned "test" and that alone that will determine who lives and who dies.
And the "test" I assume, will be whether or not one is a baptised JW "in good standing"...isn`t that right, Schizm?
So, it will be the above mentioned "test" and that alone that will determine who lives and who dies.
And the "test" I assume, will be whether or not one is a baptised JW "in good standing"...isn`t that right, Schizm?Schizm
I implied no such thing. You need to re-read my comment.
Sounds like Schizm wants to put his own spin on things here. There are plenty of wt's that state ONLY jw's will survive the big A (which have been posted many times and available at many different sites), or at least their version of how it will go down. Why are jw's so unfamiliar with their own literature?
Sounds like Schizm wants to put his own spin on things here. There are plenty of wt's that state ONLY jw's will survive the big A (which have been posted many times and available at many different sites), or at least their version of how it will go down. Why are jw's so unfamiliar with their own literature? -- carla.
I probably know more about WTS literature than you ever did or ever will.
Your real problem seems to be that you're hung up on what the Watchtower says. You need to start being more concerned with what the Bible itself says. The Bible says exactly as I described it up above, and if it conflicts with what the Watchtower says then that's just the way it is. The fact is that JWs are receiving training RIGHT NOW that will be of help when they face that very "test". People who won't solute the flag of any nation on earth today, will stand a far better chance of not supporting the 8th King when put under compulsion to do so. Want to argue about that?