Legolas, Double edge and others - I am glad you are enjoying the book. Let us know what you think as you go.
To the 'detractors' including FD, Mackin. Please be aware that I never 'endorsed' either Dr Emoto nor his theory. I only stated that his book was interesting, and that there might indeed be more to the universe than what we have closed our minds to.
As for personal attacks on you, FD, I recommend that you re-read my posts and your own - I did not attack you - I attacked your arogant attack of my post. There is a difference, my friend. I felt that your post was a not so subtle insinuation of my ignorance and gullibility. It was that I responded to, and with reason.I suggest we bury the proverbial hachet at this moment. OK? I only suggested that I found the book interesting and curious.
I do, on a deeper level believe that humans have not even scratched the surface of so called knowledge. On that I stand position.