Yep tomorrow's valentines day, and I don't have a valentine, as soon as I get home I will be calling my good friend to ask him to be mine lol, what about you guys, have any special plans or old memories of valentines day you'd like to share
be my valentine?
by lucifer 18 Replies latest jw friends
To all of you who will likely have happy V-days, congrats!
To the rest who will likely spend it alone...
Do you have to have a valentine?
hmmm, it's a bit short notice.
nope I just want to hang out with my friend and since it's valentines day he might as well be my valentine
I have no plans, I have to work till seven ( yay lucky me) and then I'm just going home to sleep. I am however looking forward to work tom cause I know I'm bound to get some gifts from some of my clients and thats always fun.
I've never really had a "happy" Valentine's Day. I was seeing a guy last year for Valentine's Day, but he gave me the same gift that he gave his "other" girlfriend (read: the girl he was cheating on me with) and then spend the night with her - not my idea of a good Valentine's Day, that's for sure.
This year, I have a great guy, he's a total sweetheart, he loves me very much, he spoils me rotten and he worships the ground that I walk on... except that he's a JW. So, of course, no Valentine's Day for me this year. I did send him a card last week, though, so he should be getting it soon. I wonder how he'll react??
I'm heading home for a few days this weekend, so I'll have Valentine's Day with my mom and her new boyfriend, and with my dad and my new baby brother. Hey, if I can't share it with my boyfriend, who better to share Valentine's Day with than my family??
I hope everyone else out there has a very happy Valentine's Day!!
-Becka :)
Hey, I was just looking up recipies for valentines' dinner, but then I am getting home at 8pm...
I bought heart shaped pasta, so we'll see, that should be easy. Plus a big hershey's kiss that was on sale from after-Christmas. We're not big spenders...
But sure, I'll be your virtual valentine!
yay to all my virtual valentines
Happy Valentines Day Des!
troubled mind
I saw the sweetest thing this morning ...this young middle school age boy on his way to school with an arm full of roses. He was slightly chunky , shy ,baby faced ...............with the most precious grin on his face. I hope whom ever receives those roses is as kind to him.