Any Comments ?
1975 from Time magazine
by Tyre 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
cyberdyne systems 101
I cant read it - too small
yes, too small b4, now It's big, isn't it ?
Ah the memories come flooding back.. bizzare memories of being raised a JW in the '60's & '70's.. a photo hung icon like inside the entrance to the Kingdom Hall. A panorama of Yankee Stadium & The Polo Grounds packed to the gunwals with happy smiling people getting off on the wet dream that all would be well, the world of men was about to meet a violent bloody end.. Jesus was back and with JudgeRutherford riding shotgun he wasn't about to turn wimpy.. Armagedon was months not years away.. the great tribulation could start any day .. our last 'goodnews tract' will not be a warning but a "Ha Ha too late sucker!" Sell your house & pioneer, get a new car financed long term, leave school early, serve jehovah in your youth...1975? ... good one Bro Franz, Knorr & co .. thanks for fucking up my life ..may you rot in hell
wow! Interesting!
Can you get that quote from 'Time' archives??
IT would be good to have a copy of that, along with the WT quotes of that time (as I have...he he)
Thanks for sharing!
End of the world in 1914 !What ? We newer said that !End of the World in 1975 ! Now for sure !
Don't buy a House ! Don't go to College ! Don't go to work !
Don't Farm ! Don't get married ! No need for sex Now !
Advertise ! Advertise ! Advertise ! The end of the World in 1975 !
What ? We never said that ! That some overzealous weak brothers spread the rumor ! We know nothing about saying about End of the world in 1975 !
Rev 18:3,4,5 Get out my People if you don't want share in her plagues, because her SINS grown to heaven.
Hey Think!
Don't buy a House ! Don't go to College ! Don't go to work !
I was told .....very soberly that whatever me and my future hubby do - we should NOT get a mortgage... as we were soooo near the end!
Now THAT would of been such a BIG mistake now wouldn't it!
Interesting how they pay out the in-effectiveness of witnessing, with 200,000,000 hours only resulting in 80000 baptisms. That rate is twice of effective as these days.
It also makes note of JWs not being interested in social betterment programs. Not much has changed. -
Bump ---------------- BATTER the BORG with BLOGS all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
That date was based on biblical chronology going back to Moses that may well be completely wrong according to the Septuagint version of the Bible the 6000 years were up around 500 AD.