So god wants to share the gift of life and creates his son and myriads of other powerful, angelic creations to to share eternity with. These are rational, intelligent self-aware individuals with awesome capabilities. They can travel the universe in moments and are blessed by the literal presence of Almighty God.
How do you know this is true? All of these ideas that were later written by the Jewish priests were previously thought up by other civilizations from the belief in angels to the existence of satan. There's alot of info on these things that has been posted here before. Check them out, before you draw this conclusion.
Then he makes us and sticks us on a rock. Worse, he makes sure we know how great heaven is and gives us a mind of incredible power knowing that we can dream of travelling the universe but never actually do it. Instead of powerful spirit podies our flesh and bones wear out. We ache, hurt, hunger and get ill. We might be blessed with the genius of Einstein or the ability of Mozart but only for a little while before we start rotting in the ground.
Again how do you know? Why has man always wanted to go up there to space? Could it be because we eventually do, but not like it's portrayed in the New Testament? Maybe we get to be born here on earth for a reason, perhaps this is some sort of training ground so we can experience being in a lower state that we will be in the future, maybe we get to come back and experience other lives in which we learn different lessons ie being poor, being rich, being a genius, being an idiot, who knows? What I'm saying is that nothing is set in stone, there are many possibilities, one of the things I am sure of, is that we cannot form our conclusions based on a 2 thousand year old book, that is filled with mythology, borrowed stories and fables. There is so much more out there, the possibilities are endless. Why put the incredible human potential of our minds inside the finite limited capabilities of our frail construction? Why create the angels and then move on to make something inferior? There is no proof that angels even exist outside of the confines of the bible, that there are spirits yes, I believe so, that when we die we get to experience another realm, I believe that we do. You are free to believe what you like, and I respect that, but please expand you knowledge by reading about Near Death Experiences and people being contacted in different ways by their dead loved ones, also experiences of children having memories of being someone else (reincarnation), there is so much info out there that as JW's we were kept from thinking that these things were demonic, the reason they scared us like that is because when you study that stuff you realize they have been lying to us all the while. Good luck on your journey to enlightenment. IC