WT Secret Document admits that only Elders and MS's are Ordained

by Elsewhere 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    I remember having a card, the size of a blood card, identifying me as a minister in the JWs and I was only a publisher during the nineties. I was just given it by the secetary, with my name printed on it, is this whatt you are talking about ?

  • aniron

    I remember being told back in the late 1970's that only Elders and MS were "ordained" the rest of us were "ministers".

    If I remember right it was something to do with being recognised by the authorites that they would only accept Elders and MS as being "ordained ministers".

    Which is why Elders in the congregation were allowed to sign certain documents like, passport applications or anything that needed to be countersigned by a "judge, doctor or ordained minister"

    Also a couple of our Elders being recognised by the state as "ordained ministers" were allowed to see to the signing of wedding register. To the local authorities they were known as "Reverend xxxx and Most Reverend xxxx" .

    So I find nothing TOP SECRET about it all.

  • carla

    I'm pretty sure my jw thinks he's an ordained minister now. He's just r & f though. I could be wrong about that, hmm, have to find a way to find out if he thinks he is 'ordained' or not.

  • rebel8

    LOL AuldSoul:

    requisitions slip (B-84).

    I think that form # is actually BM-2.

  • IMustBreakAway

    I always thought that being baptised made me an ordained minister.

    Also found this..

    " The correspondence clerk will make out all donation letters acknowledging contributions. The acknowledgement sent to a disfellowshipped person should contain just the bare minimum acknowledgement of receipt for the contribution with any required tax language. No Scriptural thoughts or greetings are necessary."

    Really trying to show love and sympathy for the depressed souls.. Also confirms that they keep a record of everyone d'fd and reference it when getting private donations.

  • undercover

    Good job, Else...

    I look forward to reading this

  • undercover

    Bad formatting. Sorry.

    Since governments provide tax relief for a variety of

    reasons, we can rightly take advantage of exemptions or

    immunity if we legally fall within the rules. We should not,

    however, pursue exemptions that do not strictly apply or

    that might otherwise jeopardize our standing with the

    authorities. Also, we need to be careful that we do not

    use terms or expressions that can easily be misunderstood

    or misinterpreted.—See 1:39-46; 9:19, 20.

    Would this include taking full page ads out in the New York Times bitching about the French government picking on them?


    DISASSOCIATED PERSONS: A file of disfellowshipped

    or disassociated persons should be kept (filed alphabetically),

    for which the branch prints cards called Record of

    Disfellowshipping or Disassociation (S-79a and S-79b).

    The S-79a card is orange in color and the S-79b is tan in

    color. This card file provides a ready reference as to who

    are disfellowshipped or disassociated in the country, the

    congregation that handled the case, date of the action

    and the reason the person was disfellowshipped or disassociated.

    Along with the S-79a and S-79b cards the

    judicial committee sends the branch a Notification of

    Disfellowshipping or Disassociation form (S-77) in a special

    colored pre-addressed envelope with the branch

    address. This form provides information needed for the

    file about the basis for action taken. The congregation

    keeps a copy of this form in its confidential files. After the

    action is checked in the office, the S-79b card is date

    stamped and returned to the congregation, and the congregation

    retains this card until such time as the person

    is reinstated. At the same time a replacement supply of

    the S-77 form and the S-79a and S-79b cards is sent to

    the congregation. The office should stamp the S-77 form

    “Do Not Destroy” and attach related correspondence, if

    any, behind it. It should be filed in the congregation’s file


    22. When the person is reinstated, the S-79b card is

    mailed back to the branch office by the congregation,

    giving the date of reinstatement. If necessary, the congregation

    can supply additional information in a letter

    attached to the card relative to the reinstatement. The

    card is to be signed by the person indicated. The congregation’s

    copy of the Notification of Disfellowshipping

    or Disassociation form (S-77) should also be marked to

    show the date of reinstatement. As a general rule the

    congregation that did the disfellowshipping does the reinstating,

    even if the person moves out of the territory.

    This may mean dealing with the matter by mail between

    the disfellowshipping congregation and the congregation

    to which a disfellowshipped or disassociated individual

    may have moved.

    23. Receiving notice of reinstatement, by means of the

    returned Record of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation

    card (S-79b), the branch office removes the S-79a card

    from the alphabetical file of disfellowshipped or disassociated

    persons and replaces it with the S-79b card,

    showing that the person has been reinstated. The S-79a

    card may then be destroyed. The S-77 form is marked to

    show the date of reinstatement. There is no need to

    have a separate card file for reinstated persons.

    24. After one has been reinstated a full five years, if the

    branch feels there is no longer any need to keep the “Do

    Not Destroy” material on the case in the congregation

    file, it can be destroyed. If the branch concludes the

    material should be retained, then it can be kept indefinitely,

    or as long as the branch feels the material should

    be kept. Though the correspondence marked “Do Not

    Destroy” may be destroyed after five years from the date

    of reinstatement, at all times the S-79b (Record of Disfellowshipping

    or Disassociation card) is retained as a

    permanent record.


    Congregation Report cards (S-1) are not posted. They

    are kept for a month or two and then thrown out. However,

    before this the branch will want to be sure that they

    have received a report from each congregation. Once it

    has been determined which reports are missing, a record

    can be kept of these and the congregations checked off

    as their reports are received. It will not be necessary to

    post Memorial attendance figures for the individual congregations.

    After the Memorial attendance for the country

    has been compiled the individual congregation Memorial

    reports can be destroyed.

    Some major control freakiness going on here. All this to remember who's been a bad boy or girl.
  • acadian

    Morning all,

    I didn't know they had a document, but as far back as 1984 we knew oniy elders and ministriel servents were the only ones who could preform marriages, because only they were considered ordained by the state.

    But I agree the WTS gives the impression that all witnesses are ordained, think about it though, if you can't perform one of the most common services provided by a minister (Marrying people) then what are you? your not a real minister. At least not in the sence that most people consider a minister.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I went to a wedding this past year and the Brother that did the wedding was a pioneer, but not a M.S, or elder.....I wonder if it is a legal recognized marriage ?

  • stillajwexelder

    bttt because this document is probably more dynamite than the Pay Attention book online - I have already down loaded my copy and backed it up onto a zip-drive

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