My JW client!!!

by diamondblue1974 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974

    Thanks for your views just2sheep, I understand where you are coming from now. I have given consideration to your points and I thought I would clarify a little more for you.

    I dont choose my clients and their beliefs have absolutely no bearing on the work I do for them; unless of course I was asked to deal with the issues such as religious discrimination; but in this case, this didnt apply.

    You imply by what you have written that I was putting my own interests before my clients and this is simply untrue; if I was some ambulance chaser looking to charge clients a contingency fee based on damages or settlement then I suppose there would be some justification for your comments but I am not. My interests arent served in any way by any of his actions, my firm gets paid either way. My sole regard was for commercial interest of my client, and I will explain why. In the UK, offers of settlement are usually made 'without prejudice, save as to costs'; what this means is that the other side can make an offer of settlement which can't and won't be disclosed to the courts; that is unless we refuse the offer and take the matter to trial and we obtain damages less than the original offer made. In these situations my opponents can make an application for costs, even though they have lost the case. Costs can be substantial and in representing my client I would need to argue the rationale behind not accepting the offer made. I am sorry for being flippant but I can hardly stand up in court and argue 'well my client took the matter in prayer and decided against it'; this simply wouldnt wash and my client could face a hefty legal bill from his opponents lawyers.

    As much as I respect anyones right to pray about issues; my surprise was when faced with a choice (albeit difficult one) he became dismissive of the advice given (which was good advice based upon his best interests) and instead he chose to simply pray about it, in the hope that somehow his prayer would be answered in some other way besides through the advice of his representatives.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    I can tell you right now that dad gave him the wrong answer just to mess around with.

  • just2sheep


    thanks for the clarification. i'm sorry i miss judged you. the thing i like most about jwd is the diversity of its population. we all have something to offer and hope to be of some help, sometimes to complete strangers...people we may never meet in person, but for some reason we are compelled to try and help these strangers...i think that is a beautiful thing. i look forward to learning something of the british system of things from you and others. thanks again.

  • diamondblue1974

    Its not a problem J2S... In hindsight I think my remarks in my first post were a little over flippant and perhaps it is that that gave you the impression it did; sorry if I caused offence. You are right of course, the diversity of this board is one its many benefits.

    Keep on posting

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