THINK??? male or female???

by theinfamousone 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • theinfamousone

    see there seems to be some confusion as to whether Think is a man or a woman... and since he/she wont set the matter straight, i think i may try....

    there are two options,

    a)he is a male who was once enlisted in the school of the infamous one, and thus knows how to make everyone love him... he is a flirt, and is having fun with all the attention...

    b) (which is my preference) he/she is a hemaphrodite... he is both sexes... what do you guys think???

    the infamous one

  • misanthropic

    I'm picking "b" until further proof on the issue.

  • Super_Becka

    Hey, I was thinking about starting the same kind of thread. Nice work, theinfamousone, great minds think alike.

    Hmm, I'm voting "hermaphrodite" for our dear Think - I originally thought that he/she was a guy, just because I've seen him/her flirt with the ladies on here, myself included for a brief moment, but now, I'm not so sure.

    My brain still says Think is a he, but who knows??

    I think it's time for Think to come clean.

    -Becka :)

  • stillAwitness

    I am so through with cyber love!

    All I know is Think sure sounded like a man when he would pm me everyday.

  • theinfamousone

    calm down girl, if its a hermaphrodite, like we think, he is kinda a guy... so hes not lying... oh yeah and u still havent added me to ur msn ms. rude...

    the infamous one

  • misspeaches

    I'm with Stilla. The PM I've received from him... well I'm pretty certain Think is a fella...

    (Although I'd much prefer PMs from you dear Creepy....)

  • stillAwitness

    oh yeah and u still havent added me to ur msn ms. rude...

    the infamous one

    I tried to put you on there but it said "XXX is not available??!!" i know I wrote the name right. This is for aol instant messager right?

  • stillAwitness

    Ah hell, Think is harmelss I guess.

    But how do we know that this he or she is not really an it!!??

  • misanthropic

    :: calm down girl, if its a hermaphrodite, like we think, he is kinda a guy... so hes not lying...

    This is true, and obviously if it is also a woman that explains the males that have been hit on. Maybe, just maybe Think is a hermaphrodite that is just wanting to keep his/her options open. Likes to play the field...

  • Think

    Why talk about me ??? I am not important !

    Let's talk about LEGOLAS, he is sexy stud !

    Or about StillAwitness, she is a HOT , Hottie, mmnnn .....

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