What's the historical background of angels and angel wings in gay culture?
Gays and Angels
by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends
in the late 1600's a Franciscan monk named errrr Bruce, theorized that since all angels were drawn and believed to be male, that angels then indeed were gay. this seems reasonable to the other monks in his monastery, Yves, Ethan, and Neville. so they began to incorporate gay illustrations in the illuminated manuscripts they were working on.
through the centuries this tradition of depicting angels as handsome, sexually appealing and fabulous continued.
now, every gay home has an angel in it.
Thanks Joel Bear for the information, you have answered my question.
now, every gay home has an angel in it.
Except mine, unless you count the duskjacket cover of my New Jerusalem Bible
You learn something new every day. I guess I'll have to go out and buy an angel.
When I got out of bed I had no idea I would learn something. A REALY BIG THANKS FOR THE THREAD.
LMAO Joel. Too funny! ("Neville." haha!)
So is there any link to Hell's Angel's here? They started wearing leather biker caps and moustaches which went on to be a gay fashion.
actually the growing gay bear culture that I belong to had its roots in gay biker sex parties in san francisco in the early 1980s. a bar was opened for these guys called the lone star and migrated from being a gay biker bar to being a gay bear bar. the biker look is still very much a part of the gay bear scene.
Joel - do you have one of those WWI german helmets - you know... with the spike?I'm a biker, but i ride a crotch rocket... not one of those boring hogs! :)