jw dot org! ha! Now check out the mormons website...

by stuckinarut2 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    JWs go on about how wonderful the website is...blah blah....

    Check out the Mormons version!

    Now this is only ONE of their many official sites.



    I am not advocating their beliefs, but I am just highlighting that a "smooth" website does not prove you are "gods channel"

  • steve2

    The organization began a "program" of describing jw.org as "a unique website" and the Witnesses took to this "programmed" description in little short of a heartbeat. Now, they too unthinkingly call jw.org "a unique website".

    Only a people such as the Witnesses who live in a hermetically sealed environment AND have never seen official Mormon/Latter-Day websites would ever have the nerve to call their own website "unique".

    The similarities between jw.org and Mormon websites are uncanny and raise questions about what makes "a unique website" unique? Those who have viewed the websites of both religions would have trouble at times telling them apart.

  • lurkernomore
    The video titled Insight to Scriptures stood out to me straight away lol
  • konceptual99
    They have a Mormon Channel Kids App. Now there's one for tv.jw.org to copy.
  • Zoos
    The Mormon site promotes Valentine's Day. That proves they don't have the troof!
  • wannaexit

    The mormons have been doing this for years. Witnesses are just now getting on the bandwagon.

    I am so sick and tired of hearing from the witnesses how jw.org is the best website in the world.

  • millie210

    To be quit honest, the Mormon site looked more interesting and easy to follow.

    The JW site seems very intent on letting you know that you can do anything it offers in MANY languages.

    They are very proud of that arent they?

  • Blackfalcon98

    The mormons site even includes a chat option, to speak with one of their missionaries. I once used this to ask the mormon missionary about their view of the witnesses......they replied with confusion and disconnected.

    I once saw a Scientology reqruitement banner on Youtube.....I wander to the site, and they too have a well designed website which manages to hide the deeper, more disturbing things of their faith.

    Good thread Stuck!

  • Oubliette
    Technically, the jw.org site IS unique, it just isn't very different.
  • Phizzy

    "Technically the JW Dot org site IS unique, it just isn't very different.

    true, like two different coloured Turds.

    It is also a brilliant example of JWorgspeak, it isn't strictly a lie, so they can get away with it, and of course the R&F swallow it wholesale.

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