Thanks, Rado! The more sites that this farce is on, the more chance of wider distribution!! YAY!!!!
1)These elders should have sent the 3 letters: certified and had to be signed to show PROOF that the person recieved them. That is the ELDER's area of guilt, they have NO proof they mailed them!!! 2) Absurd to be tried and convicted without the person's knowledge!!!
3) IMHO: This video should be mailed to Dr. Phil who is gathering information on destructive cults. SOMEBODY please email this video!!!!!
1)---Of COURSE, this should be the way to assure such important information such as this, would be sent! I Wouldn't this just make more sense anyway? It was said to me that I had supposedly received a letter notifying me of MY JC meeting.......I never saw so much as a peep from them. (plenty of phone calls which I readily ignored though)
2)---Cowardly might be a better word.
3)---I thought the same thing when I watched this earlier today! If I knew "how" to do this---it would have been gone by now, LOL!