Hell Frannie, I fit into a few of the catagories you suggested and probably a few more under the "Other" box. I was from poor upbringing myself, when I got older had my share of Bikes, visited many a strip clubs (you know the lifestyle). I think it actually has helped me rather than the other way around. It made me more understanding of people. Heck I used to ride with people from all walks of life. From the haves to the have nots. We all got along.
Did your WT-BATS training enable you to accept other conformists?
by Frannie Banannie 12 Replies latest social relationships
7. other
Braggarts. I guess you got 'em everywhere, though. JWs who used to brag about their photographic memories, or the GB members they were able to meet with (reminds me of Roman Catholics when they "have an audience with the Pope"), or how many quick-builds they went on, or if they worked out in service with the CO, or that they were a Bethelite, or they went to Gilead.....you get the picture.
Other than that, no problemo.
Ex-criminals and Gay people. But I had no problem with them. It was my parents who were terrified of them. They told me I could not associate with them. And they wouldn't let me talk to my uncle an ex-criminal, although they knew he was innocent... until I freaked out on them and said he was blood and that before they found this religion and that kind of opened their eyes a little bit.