For me this says it all:
God is simply a belief, an imagination, an invention of the human mind.
There is no evidence that god exists, therefore he does NOT exist. The complete lack of evidence over all of human history is proof he does not exist. I don't go with the agnostic view that "there's no evidence that god exists, therefore he might".
I am convinced that those who have had some kind of "personal revelation" have either faulty brain chemistry, are delusional, or just plain nuts. Some choose to believe in god because they can't cope with reality without a crutch. Many (like a good percentage of JW's) say they believe in god but in reality don't. I was one of those, which flies in the face of "Elders are appointed by Holy Spirit" eh. :-)
But hey, if belief in the delusion of god helps you cope with life a little easier, then who am I to judge? Just don't try to impose your belief on me, and stay out of politics.
My problem with Christians is that they are constantly trying to spread their beliefs. At least in the U.S., I can never remember turning on the TV on Sunday morning and seeing anything but Christianity being spread. As far as those born and raised in the organization being more likely to become athiest, I posed this question earlier here: