I always had doubts about Paul. For me Jesus was all about freeing people from the petty traditions that had grown to surround the Law. Jesus realised the law was for the people, the people weren't for the law.
He tried to release the people from the heavy yokes that the scribes, pharisees and other religious leaders had places around the general publics necks. They had weighed the people down and made Judaism a chore (rather like the "truth") rather than something to rejoice in. By the time Jesus died he had given them the seeds of Christianity, he had set them free from religious oppression.
Then Paul came along.
Paul saw a religious movement that was growing and growing without any real direction. So what did he do, he tried to instill order, he drew up a list of rules and regulations and forced the people to obey them. If they disagreed they were expelled from the congregation and labelled apostates. It was Paul who once again placed these people under a heavy yoke.
Time and time again Jesus rebuked and spoke out against spiritual policemen, people who used religious law, the word of god to oppress people. I honestly think that if Jesus and Paul wouldn't have gotten along had they known one another, Jesus was very laid back whereas Paul was very anal.
Take something like disfellowshipping. Knowing how big Jesus was on forgiveness and on not being judgemental who here can say that Jesus would have been for disfellowshipping anyone?