Does we take it you'll be reforming from your hunk chas'n ways then?
Is slugga safe to take 'is bucket off?
by joelbear 14 Replies latest jw friends
Does we take it you'll be reforming from your hunk chas'n ways then?
Is slugga safe to take 'is bucket off?
A. lust is not greed.
B. wanting nice things earned from passles of hogs is not greed.
greed only comes into play when you have everything you could ever possibly reasonably want and still want more.
wanting nice things is not greed. its when it gets totally out of control that it becomes evil.
besides, i view sex as giving pleasure not getting it. so the more sex i have the more philanthropic i feel.
will i stop chasing men? never
is slugga safe? i never force anyone to accept my giving
slugga, you definitely have my taste for man-types down pat.
how did this turn into a discussion of my sexual appetite
Tsk joel, u were suppose to laugh at it, not lust at it
did you see the eyes on that cub. woof!!!!!